Finding Your Spiritual Gifts (Ft. Lori- Remnant Rising)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Finding Your Spiritual Gifts (Ft. Lori- Remnant Rising)

You’ve probably heard it before that everyone has a gift. That’s true — especially within the Church. Every true believer has a spiritual gift granted unto them by the Holy Spirit to further the cause of the Church and defeat the forces of the Enemy on the planet.

In this episode, Lori from Remnant Rising joins us to describe the spiritual gifts we have and how they affect us in real, powerful ways. She also tells us how to discover our spiritual gifts and practice them so that they do not atrophy. Hiding our gifts is a victory for the Enemy!

If you want to discover your spiritual gifts and think you have the true faith needed to edify the Church on earth, tune in to this episode.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1.Discover the spiritual gifts granted to you by the Holy Spirit.

2. Learn how your spiritual gifts empower you to defeat the Enemy and share the truth of God's Word.

3. Understand what it means to have true faith in Jesus Christ and how to utilitlize the Spiritual gifts God has intended.

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Hidden in Plain Sight: How Satan Manipulates Society Through Occult Symbolism (Ft. Amy- Eyes on the Right)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Hidden in Plain Sight: How Satan Manipulates Society Through Occult Symbolism (Ft. Amy- Eyes on the Right)

Secret societies, occult symbolism[1], and more have manipulated and changed how people think throughout history. We don't realize that Satan has hidden manipulations within popular media that turn us away from God's plan for us.

Eyes On The Right Podcast host Amy has been delving into these theories and finding the patterns, connections, and biblical roots that reveal these hidden truths. Amy shares how God gave her freedom from addiction and opened her eyes to the truth of what the enemy is doing through mind control and manipulation.  She is joining us on this episode of the Revelations Podcast to educate and bring awareness to the Enemy's tricks and schemes.  Learn to discern the occult symbolism and mind control that can lead us away from God's path of living a full life.

Protect yourself, and don't let these hidden manipulations in modern society trick you. Listen to this episode to learn more and keep your eyes on God's path.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1.Listen to Amy's powerful testimony of God guiding her to the ministry he had planned for her and how she now educates others.

2. Find out how Satan uses music, Hollywood, the government, and occult symbolism to manipulate and control people’s minds.

3. Learn to focus and stay rooted in God and His Word as you face these manipulations.

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Strong Emotions; Strong Faith: A Spiritual Journey (ft. Jon Odom)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Strong Emotions; Strong Faith: A Spiritual Journey (ft. Jon Odom)

The enemy is always trying to find a foothold in our hearts. The paths the enemy can take are many, but one of them is through our strong emotions[1] — such as anger, rage, unforgiveness or despair. But through God and Scripture, we can find our sword and shield to win the spiritual battles in our souls.

In this episode, we’re joined by Jon Odom, Campus Pastor of The Avenue Church. Jon shares his powerful journey of fighting the spiritual war that was being waged in his life where he had demonic encounters and experienced a miraculous healing. Jon talks about how he now helps people process strong emotions in a healthy way, and not in a destructive manner. He also discusses the importance of recognizing these feelings and how they manifest physiologically and biochemically in the body. In addition, Jon talks about how the Scriptures and your spiritual community can help you over come spiritual attacks.

Do you want to learn how to process your strong emotions and fight your spiritual battles? Then, join us in this incredible conversation.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Discover how the Scripture and your community can help you battle against spiritual attacks.

  • Learn how you can go through your strong emotions in a healthy way.

  • Find out how you can speak truth in love, especially toward challenging people.

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Following God’s Call in Medicine: Restoring Natural Hormone Balance (ft. Jackie Tewes)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Following God’s Call in Medicine: Restoring Natural Hormone Balance (ft. Jackie Tewes)

Your natural hormone balance keeps your body working correctly the way God intended. But our environment has changed. Even the air we breathe can be toxic to us, disrupting our natural hormone balance and sending our health into a nosedive. Men, women and youth are dealing with symptoms like anxiety, depression, mood swings and lack of sleep among other things that could relate to unbalanced hormones. God gave us our bodies as temples to steward, so how can we care for them?

Jackie Tewes is a well-respected healthcare professional who delves into menopause and hormone changes — a subject often deemed taboo by many women. Jackie provides insights into understanding the natural hormone balance and numerous ways to manage related issues. Her valuable and practical advice could transform their health journeys.

If you're looking for a good way to manage your health by finding your natural hormone balance, this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1. Hear how following God’s call, even when it’s hard, can bring peace and help others.

2. Discover the links between our environment, lifestyle choices, and natural hormonal balance as well as learn how hormones can affect men and women of all ages and what symptoms to look out for.

3. Understand the importance of comprehensive hormone testing and why you should consider natural hormone remedies instead of synthetic ones.

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The Majesty of Christ (ft. Reagan Kramer)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

The Majesty of Christ (ft. Reagan Kramer)

In today's episode Reagan shares how everything going on in the world right now can cause stress, confusion, fear and anxiety. She shares a bit of her own struggles right now and how the Word of God is the only Truth we can stand on. Reagan shares scripture aftere scripture that will encourage you, strengthen your faith, and wash away your fears and anxieties as it reminds you of the Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

Let the Word of God wash over you and receive peace.

Gain valuable insights into God’s attributes and promises to His children.

Remember that Jesus is on His Throne!

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Overcoming Evil: Deliverance and Healing (ft. Pastor Sammy Wanyonyi)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Overcoming Evil: Deliverance and Healing (ft. Pastor Sammy Wanyonyi)

Demonic possession[1] and oppression is a real-life battle between good and evil, where someone's body can be taken over or affected by an evil spirit. Thankfully, we have a true Savior in Jesus. He offers hope and a way out of the dark with his love and power. He teaches us how to conquer evil and pursue a life in the light.

In this episode, Pastor Sammy Wanyonyi joins us to talk about his remarkable journey.  He describes how, at a young age, he fell in love with Jesus and how this inspired him to fearlessly express his beliefs. He also discussed the realities of demonic influences, as well as how the Lord's presence offers redemption and true freedom.

Finally, he talks about his Shine in the World ministry and its mission to bring the gospel and miraculous healing to nations. Join us as we learn the value of living in the light, breaking free from demonic possession and generational curses, and accepting God's full power in our lives.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1.Explore the extraordinary power of deliverance in the face of demonic oppression..

2. Gain valuable insights on how to spread God’s mission.

3. Discover the impact of sharing one's faith with boldness and passion.

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Protect Your Kids from the Dangers of Pornography (ft. Greta Eskridge)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Protect Your Kids from the Dangers of Pornography (ft. Greta Eskridge)

The enemy is always ready to try to take God's plan — love — and twist it into something dark: pornography[1]. As parents, it's our God-given duty to ensure that our children have the tools to face this world with love, compassion, and readiness.  We are also called to protect our children from the dangers of darkness and to show them the way they should go as they grow.

We dive into a sensitive topic often avoided by parents — pornography. Our guest, Greta Eskridge, shares her wisdom and insights on how parents can prepare their children for the potential dangers of pornography, starting as early as age six. Greta stresses the importance of being open and honest with kids, creating a safe and non-judgmental space for them to ask questions and share their concerns. We also discuss the impact of pornography on the human mind, body, and spirit and ways to seek healing and recovery.

If you're a parent struggling with how to address pornography with your children or have faced addiction or trauma related to it, this episode is a must-listen.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1.Understand the impact of pornography on the body, brain, and spirit.

2. Learn the value of creating a safe and open environment to talk about worldly topics with your children.

3. Discover how to respond to a child who has seen pornography.

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God’s Revelation at Waffle House (ft. Gen Z - Bryce Crawford)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

God’s Revelation at Waffle House (ft. Gen Z - Bryce Crawford)

"How do I fill the hole in my heart?" This is a question that people ask themselves but search for it in all the wrong places. In a world full of empty promises, depression, anxiety, fear and suicide only Jesus can fill that emptiness and bring true healing and transformation.

On this episode of The Revelations Podcast, we are joined by Gen Z Bryce Crawford, who had a transformative encounter with Jesus at a Waffle House. After hearing a man's story about a loveless relationship, Bryce experienced God’s revelation about his own relationship with Him. This revelation led Bryce to dive deeper into his faith and start sharing meaty biblical teachings on social media and now has thousands following him to learn more about Jesus.

We also talked about the house churches in LA and how pivotal moments of God’s revelation can happen at the dinner table. Bryce shares his personal experiences with Jesus and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing intimacy with Him to reduce insecurity and offense towards others. We also discuss the need for different types of people to spread the message of Jesus and how love is the greatest form of evangelism.

If you are in your own personal search for your faith and how you can start a true relationship with God, this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1. Understand the importance of inviting Jesus into every aspect of your life, however mundane or insignificant it may seem.

2. Discover the power of experiencing Jesus for oneself, rather than just knowing about Him theoretically or through other people's stories.

3. Learn about the danger of relying on external sources for validation or satisfaction, rather than seeking fulfillment through a personal relationship with God.


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Uncovering the Spiritual Roots of Disease (Ft. Pastor Donna Wright)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Uncovering the Spiritual Roots of Disease (Ft. Pastor Donna Wright)

In this day and age, we see a massive spike in sickness and suffering from physical to mental health. Many believers attribute this suffering to something common that “just happens” or as a test from God.

In reality, many of our sicknesses and sufferings have spiritual roots.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Pastor Donna Wright joins us to share her work at Be In Health, a ministry of Hope of the Generations Church focused on life-changing and intensive healing retreats. Pastor Donna shares the misconceptions and truths about suffering, and how we should realize God’s intention and plan when he created us.

Join us in this eye-opening conversation to learn more about how we can heal through God.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1. Discover Donna’s work in Be In Health and be inspired by how God can heals people of their sickness and suffering through the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. Realize that our sickness has spiritual roots and how to overcome them through God.

3. Understand the simple steps towards healing.

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God Given Healing: through Prayer and Nature’s Medicine (ft. Dr. George Kramer)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

God Given Healing: through Prayer and Nature’s Medicine (ft. Dr. George Kramer)

In today’s world we face pain and illness all around us. We face the risk of different diseases that can impact our lives. Now, more than ever, taking care of ourselves is essential. Through God's guidance, we can find healing and protection from disease for our mind, body, and spirit. He has given us the ability to become healthy and stay strong through faith, prevention, and nature's medicine.[1]

God’s Word and natural medicine can help us tap into this God-given ability to heal our mind, body, and spirit. In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Dr. George Kramer shares his experience using natural medicine, prayer and the Word of God.  We dig into the roots of medicine and talk about the role of spiritual medicine in illness and healing and dive into what Scripture says about our health and treatment. Dr. George also shares his advice to help us start caring for ourselves with natural and regenerative medicine.

Join us in this conversation to learn more about what the Holy Bible says about health and God’s role as our healer.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

Discover how to use nature’s medicine to heal and prevent illnesses.

Understand more about God’s Word as we dive into the scriptures about health and healing.

Take an active role in your health with the simple things you can do to care for yourself.

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From Jewish turned to Christian: How God’s Unconditional Love Shaped This Doctor’s Life (ft. Ross Hauser)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

From Jewish turned to Christian: How God’s Unconditional Love Shaped This Doctor’s Life (ft. Ross Hauser)

Many individuals may experience a void or lack of genuine care amid life's challenges. This pain could stem from a sense of unworthiness rooted in their sinful nature or simply from not knowing how to find inner peace and solace. Yet, the transformative power of God's unconditional love[1] awaits if only more people could grasp this profound truth.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, we dive into the life and faith of Ross Hauser, MD who is the Medical Director of Caring Medical in Florida. We learn about Ross’s Jewish roots and his journey to Christianity, his belief in the importance of God’s unconditional love, and his approach to integrating faith into his clinical practice.

Tune in to gain insight into the power of faith and love to transform lives and become a beacon of hope for others.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

Learn the meaning of God’s unconditional love.

Discover why Ross accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Understand how to dispense love and truth.

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S4 | Ep. 7 // Family, the Bible and the Supernatural  (ft. Ben and Alison Calhoun)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S4 | Ep. 7 // Family, the Bible and the Supernatural (ft. Ben and Alison Calhoun)

After 20 years touring with the band Citizen Way, Ben Calhoun is going on the road with his family on the Daddy’s Home Tour. Join me in listening to Ben and his wife Alison as they share how God’s Word has guided them through joy and tragedy. They explain how the Bible helps them to navigate parenting and what is most important. All the fame in the world cannot fulfill what only God can!

Also in this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Ben and Alison share how they met Jesus and discovered the importance of God’s Word[1]. Through Him, Ben and Alison found guidance, peace, and joy. They are not afraid to discuss the supernatural realm and dive into those Biblical topics.  Together with the family they built with faith and love, they continue to get to know God better and minister to others as they trust God through it all!

Join us to learn more about bringing your faith and your family together.

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S4 | Ep. 6 // The Power of the Holy Spirit in Reconciliation Part 2 (ft. Todd and Mary Bertelson)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S4 | Ep. 6 // The Power of the Holy Spirit in Reconciliation Part 2 (ft. Todd and Mary Bertelson)

Even in our deepest darkness, we can ask God, through the Holy Spirit for help. If we seek Him, we shall find. One of the first steps we can take to seek God and healing is through reconciliation ministry. In those gatherings, we can experience Jesus and feel the touch of the Holy Spirit. No wound is too grievous for God to heal.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Todd and Mary Bertelson share their stories of reconciliation ministry in Africa. They tell the stories of healing a wound between two tribes, a woman who forgave the unforgivable, and a political leader who learned to ask for forgiveness from his enemies. Even the most broken people can be transformed and healed through the Holy Spirit.

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S4 | Ep. 5 // Desperation to Reconciliation in Marriage Part I (ft. Todd and Mary Bertelson)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S4 | Ep. 5 // Desperation to Reconciliation in Marriage Part I (ft. Todd and Mary Bertelson)

There comes a time when every marriage is put to the test. What happens when we think that there is no hope?  Whether it’s career, trauma or household pressures, it may seem like you and your partner are up against the world. However, you are not alone. God is with you in every step of your marriage. Reconnecting with your faith and deepening your relationship with Christ can help you see your marriage and your partner in a new, more empathetic light.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Todd and Mary Bertelson shares their story of wanting to give up on their marriage, but through resilience and reconciliation[1] God had a different plan.  Through their challenges they were able to find their way back to each other and Christ. Their story of faith inspires and reminds us that marriage is a covenant and a deeply personal relationship between the couple and the Lord. God can help you and your partner love one another, building your marriage stronger than ever.

Tune in to learn more about the power of reconciliation and God’s grace to heal any marriage.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

-Learn how unhealed trauma can affect your marriage.

-Discover the joy of reconnecting with your faith when experiencing marital troubles.

-Understand how God can guide your marriage through reconciliation and forgiveness.

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S4 | Ep. 4 // The Rooted Truth of God's Word (ft. Jenny Mire)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S4 | Ep. 4 // The Rooted Truth of God's Word (ft. Jenny Mire)

Jenny Mire from The Rooted Truth Podcast joins us to remind us to stay strong and rooted in God’s Word. She shares how there is an ongoing spiritual battle and we need to grow deeper in our relationship with Christ so we don’t get swept away by worldly desires and expectations. Jenny has a deep passion for the scriptures and digs deep into them even covering some controversial topics like giants, big bones, occult practices and monuments as well as nephilim on her podcast. Tune in now to learn more about how to become more discerning and how to live for Christ in a chaotic world!

Don’t miss this episode to better understand what it means to be rooted in God’s love.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1) Understand what it means to be rooted in God’s Word and love.

2) Discover how to look at the world through a Biblical lens and remember the ongoing spiritual war that is still waging today.

3) Learn to discern what the world wants from what God wants.

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S4 | Ep. 3 // Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached (ft. Brandon of Activate Global)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S4 | Ep. 3 // Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached (ft. Brandon of Activate Global)

Many of us are blessed to have grown up in places where there is an active ministry and the gospel can be preached openly. However, there are areas all over the world where people have never even heard of His word. God is calling His children to minister in these places, but unfortunately, there is an overwhelming lack of focus among Christian ministries.

Unreached nations are not getting prioritized as they should be. It’s likely because church planters and other missionaries do not see enough opportunities to reach those places. Nonetheless, we should remember that it is God who opens doors of opportunities, and all we need to do is to respond in faith to His call.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Brandon of Activate Global talks about the work God is doing through their ministry to unreached people groups. He talks about the joy of seeing people who have never heard of Christ now surrender their lives to Him. Brandon also shares the miracles he’s seen God perform.

Tune in now to learn more about the ministry of the gospel in unreached areas of the world.

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S4 | Ep. 2 // Being Confident and Secure in God's Love (ft. Beverly Coniaris and Delaney Dobbs)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S4 | Ep. 2 // Being Confident and Secure in God's Love (ft. Beverly Coniaris and Delaney Dobbs)

Human love is a complex thing. It's flawed and imperfect and can often be conditional and damaging to us. But God's love for us is different; it's perfect, absolute, and ever-unconditional. Through Christ, his Son, we have been redeemed and all our sins forgiven when we receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Abiding in the confidence that comes from God's love[1] removes all doubts and fear. It's the only transforming love that will never diminish or come to an end.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Delaney Dobbs and Beverly Coniaris of She is Becoming Podcast joins us to speak about God’s love. They talk about our role as Christians in speaking His truth and embodying and bringing His love to others. They also differentiate between worldly love and God’s love and affirms the power of having confidence in God’s love.

Tune in now to learn more about what the Scriptures say regarding love. Listen to this episode just for you!

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S3 | Ep. 1 // Psalm 91: My Story of God's Faithfullness through Disaster (ft. Reagan Kramer)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 1 // Psalm 91: My Story of God's Faithfullness through Disaster (ft. Reagan Kramer)

When the darkness arrives at your doorstep, where do your thoughts turn? For many, it might be toward practical safety. But when life challenges us, we should remember God protects[1] us all. He will always be there for us, no matter what we encounter in our journey. As Believers in Christ, have faith, and you will be shielded under the shadow of the Most High.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Reagan Kramer shares her story of surviving the Haiti earthquake of 2010. Through her story, we witness a story of faith triumphing over darkness and of Jesus shielding his faithful from harm. We also hear a tale of gratitude for all that we have and for what God, in His kindness and generosity, has given us.

Tune in now to hear Reagan's miraculous story of faith, protection, and God's love during a trial that became a turning point in her faith!

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S3 | Ep. 9 // Victory in Christ: By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony (ft. Ebony Small)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 9 // Victory in Christ: By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony (ft. Ebony Small)

Many Christians still struggle with condemnation even after they have professed Christ. They battle feelings of unworthiness because of their sins and do not have the courage to speak their Christian testimony[1]. However, the Scripture tells us that we are to live in the power of Christ's redemption. We are to live in the power of His blood; we will boldly testify of His power to transform lives.

meta: Do not silence your Christian testimony. Let God's Word flow through you and into others to bring redemption and cast down condemnation.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Pastor Ebony Small joins us to speak about her ministry as an author, speaker and with the Christian youth as Vice President of Pulse Ministries. She tackles the shared struggle with condemnation and the victory that comes with the revelation of Christ's loving redemption.

Tune in now to learn more about what the Scriptures say regarding the grace of Christ. Listen to this episode just for you!

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S3 | Ep. 8 // Occult Practices of the World: Another Level of Spiritual Warfare Bonus Ep. 2 (ft. Dr. George Kramer)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 8 // Occult Practices of the World: Another Level of Spiritual Warfare Bonus Ep. 2 (ft. Dr. George Kramer)

Evil does not rest and always finds ways to spread itself. Evil hides in plain sight by packaging lies in the everyday media people consume. Spiritual warfare[1] isn't always obvious — the enemy can be hidden, too. God commands us to shed light on the darkness. We have to keep our eyes open to know what needs to be exposed.

In this episode of Revelations Podcast, George Kramer, a physician at Advanced Medicine Alternatives, joins Reagan to discuss the different occult practices that have become normal in the media and how we can overcome them through God’s Word. He also builds on his medical practice and shares the spiritual roots of diseases. Spiritual pain can hinder our overall healing and recovery.

If you want to defeat God's occult enemies in spiritual warfare, this episode is for you!

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