Healing from Triggers in Marraige, Family and Church Pt. 2 (Ft. Michelle Young and Samantha Miley)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Healing from Triggers in Marraige, Family and Church Pt. 2 (Ft. Michelle Young and Samantha Miley)

Healing from trauma is a long and involved process — and it’s not just Satanic ritual abuse that can cause deep wounds. Things like everyday rejections or difficulties can build up and create trauma effects too. Those minor wounds add up and, if not healed or addressed through the love of Christ, can become footholds for the Enemy in your soul.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, host Reagan Kramer sits down for part two of an eye-opening conversation with Michelle Young and her daughter Samantha Miley. Together, they dive deep into the topic of triggers and trauma—ranging from the extreme cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) to the more everyday emotional triggers in marriage and relationships that many people experience. This discussion is essential because it sheds light on the often misunderstood connection between deliverance and emotional trauma, offering listeners a path to deeper healing through the power of Christ.

This episode is for all who suffer — whether from the grievous wounds of demonic influence and Satanic ritual abuse, or from the sufferings of daily trials. This is a call that goes out to the lost, the broken, and the hurt: God loves you and will heal you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of how trauma can fragment your soul and how God's love and healing can restore those broken pieces.

  2. Understand the spiritual principles behind emotional triggers and the importance of surrender, repentance, and holiness in overcoming deep-seated wounds.

  3. Learn practical steps to invite Yeshua into your healing journey, allowing Him to transform your pain and bring true freedom.

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Trauma Triggers, Soul Fragmentation, and Emotional Healing: Finding Wholeness in Christ Pt. 1 (Ft. Samantha Miley and Michelle Young)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Trauma Triggers, Soul Fragmentation, and Emotional Healing: Finding Wholeness in Christ Pt. 1 (Ft. Samantha Miley and Michelle Young)

Trauma leaves deep scars on your soul. This unsettling truth has left many feeling bound by the invisible chains of their past. Every step we take feels haunted by the shadow of our pain, in which trauma triggers a downward spiral into our wounds. But are we truly destined to carry the weight of our trauma forever? Or is there a path to spiritual restoration and freedom that we have yet to discover?

In this episode of The Revelations Podcast, Reagan Kramer is joined by Michelle Young and her daughter, Samantha Miley, for an eye-opening discussion on soul healing and spiritual warfare. Michelle, with over 30 years of experience in pastoral counseling, shares her profound insights into how unresolved emotions and trauma triggers can keep believers in bondage, often without their awareness. She also gives first hand stories of SRA-Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors and how only God can heal through His Word!  Together, Michelle and Samantha explore the importance of addressing the brokenness of the soul, revealing how healing these deep wounds through Christ can lead to true spiritual freedom.

Fear not your triggers! Emotional wounds and soul fragmentation are less about being bound by trauma and more about discovering God's transformative healing power. Begin your journey to wholeness and spiritual freedom by tuning into this powerful episode.

*This episode has sensitive content regarding SRA survivors.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of how emotional triggers and unresolved trauma affect your soul.

  2. Learn practical insights on breaking free from the bondage of spiritual and emotional wounds through biblical teachings and real-life experiences.

  3. Discover how generational healing and soul restoration can transform not only your life but also impact your family for generations to come, leading to lasting freedom in Christ.

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Generational Curses: Finding Freedom and Healing from Ancestral Wounds (Ft. Marjorie Cole)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Generational Curses: Finding Freedom and Healing from Ancestral Wounds (Ft. Marjorie Cole)

"Generational curses run in your family!" This chilling statement has left many feeling trapped by the unseen forces of their ancestry, weighed down by the burdens of past sins and iniquities. But is our fate truly sealed by the actions of those who came before us, or is there a path to freedom and healing that we’ve yet to uncover?

In this episode of The Revelations Podcast, host Reagan Kramer welcomes a special guest, Marjorie Cole, a seasoned counselor and expert in spiritual warfare. Marjorie dives deep into the often-overlooked topic of generational curses and bloodline iniquity, explaining how these hidden influences can profoundly shape our lives. Through her extensive experience and the Bible, she reveals the lies that have held people in bondage for generations and how understanding these patterns can lead to true freedom in Christ.

Fear not the past! Generational iniquity and bloodline curses are less about being doomed by our ancestry and more about uncovering God's redemptive power in our lives. Begin your journey to freedom and spiritual renewal by listening to the full episode.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Uncover the concept of generational curses and bloodline iniquity, revealing how these unseen forces might be affecting your life today.

  2. Learn practical steps, actionable insights, and spiritual tools for healing deeply rooted issues like depression, anxiety, and recurring life challenges.

  3. Understand the truth of God's Word and what God says about your ancestral heritage and how it can lead to profound transformation.

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Christianity and Aliens (Ft. Amy from Eyes on the Right)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Christianity and Aliens (Ft. Amy from Eyes on the Right)

Are aliens real? And if they are, what does the Bible say about aliens? The history of the world is filled with accounts of unexplained phenomena. Everything from UFOs, visions, and even advanced technology — all these things may be evidence of aliens. But there’s another side: could these things be demons instead, or the angel agents of the Enemy?

In this episode of the Revelation Podcast, Amy and Reagan discuss Christianity and aliens. Are they out there, are they real, and are they benevolent — or a challenge to our faith? We examine verses in the Bible that indicate the possibility of alien life, along with modern-day news and research showing that aliens may walk among us.

Join us on our journey through space and time as we uncover the truths being hidden from us by popular media.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Find understanding in integrating inquiry into your faith rather than blindly accepting information given to you by outside sources.

  • Discover the historical and cultural influences behind how we view the supernatural and extraterrestrial in the modern day.

  • Learn the value of critical thinking paired with open mindedness, especially when it comes to understanding what the Bible says about aliens and other paranormal events.

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Grace in Crisis: How God Heals You Through Surrender (Ft. Kelly King)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Grace in Crisis: How God Heals You Through Surrender (Ft. Kelly King)

Life is full of difficulties, and it's easy to feel lost or abandoned in the midst of our struggles. However, these very trials are the foundations by which our faith is strengthened and refined. Whether you're grappling with personal challenges or hope to transform your lives, you’ll find that peace lies when you surrender to God.

In this inspiring episode of the Revelations Podcast, we hear the story of the faith of our guest, Kelly King. Kelly is a devoted wife, mother of three, and passionate follower of Jesus Christ. She shares her experience of feeling abandoned by God during her children’s medical issues and her personal struggle with alcoholism. Kelly talks about finding grace and answering the Holy Spirit’s call to obey, trust, and surrender to God.

Kelly's story is a powerful reminder that no matter how dark the storm is, God's grace is sufficient. Tune in to be inspired and encouraged in your own faith journey.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

-Be inspired by the story of Kelly’s family as she struggled with her faith and how God strengthened it amidst a series of traumatic events in her life.

-Find out why it’s important to surrender to God and trust in His plans.

-Discover peace and a deep relationship with God through listening and obeying His call.

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Biohacking: Discovering God’s Design for Optimal Health (Ft. George Kramer M.D.)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Biohacking: Discovering God’s Design for Optimal Health (Ft. George Kramer M.D.)

In today's fast-paced and fallen world, we are constantly bombarded with challenges that threaten our health and well-being. The enemy comes to steal our health, kill our bodies and destroy our minds. From the prevalence of chronic illnesses to the rising rates of mental health issues, it's clear that our modern lifestyles and medical systems are taking a toll on our health. It’s all too easy to pop some synthetic pill and think that it will be the solution, but it’s not sustainable — and might damage your health in the long run. Instead, look to God’s blessings: nature’s medicine.

Dr. Kramer explains what biohacking really means and where it originates as he shares invaluable insights from his recent medical conference. He also provides practical tips on integrating these techniques into daily routines and guidance on how to enhance your physical and emotional well-being through nature’s medicine. By tuning in, you'll discover how small, intentional changes can lead to a healthier, more vibrant life, aligning your body and spirit with the fullness of life that God intended.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in optimizing their health through holistic methods and nature’s medicine rather than relying solely on pharmaceuticals.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

Discover how nature’s medicine can be an excellent approach to holistic health.

Understand the divine origin of biohacking: it’s not a hack but a blessing.

Learn how gratitude, quiet moments, and positive affirmations are just as important to your health as nature’s medicine.

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The Supernatural Power of Prayer: Heaven comes to Earth (Ft. Laurel Bunker)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

The Supernatural Power of Prayer: Heaven comes to Earth (Ft. Laurel Bunker)

Prayer is a powerful and transformative practice that lets us talk to God and connect with him intimately. It is not just a simple conversation but a lifeline that sustains us through every challenge and triumph. Through prayer, we experience our Lord’s profound love, guidance, and the unshakable assurance that He loves us. Even when His answers to our prayers take time, God provides what we need in His own way.

In this powerful episode of the Revelations Podcast, Reagan invites Laurel Bunker, a dynamic preacher, educator, leader and V.P. of Training and Education at Pulse Evangelism, to talk about the supernatural power of prayer and how it impacts heaven and earth. They discuss in depth what prayer is, why it’s important, and how it can change your life by cultivating an intimate relationship with the One True God. Laurel also shares her personal experiences with prayer and how communing with God freed her. Learn about prayer and bring this powerful lifeline that unites you with God into your life.

Join us as we delve into the depths of prayer, discovering its ability to empower us against the enemy, break our chains, and draw us closer to the heart of God.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

-Deepen your understanding of prayer as a lifeline that sustains us as God’s children.

-Find out how prayer lets you talk to God intimately when you pray with honesty and an open heart.

-Don’t be afraid. Learn how prayer can build up your faith and allow Jesus to pull you free from fear.

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Listening to the Word of God: How We Can Let God Lead In Our Lives (Ft. Pastor Tom Flaherty)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Listening to the Word of God: How We Can Let God Lead In Our Lives (Ft. Pastor Tom Flaherty)

As followers of Christ, we look to Him for answers to our prayers and guidance in our lives. Unfortunately, we’re vulnerable to listening to the wrong voice and falling prey to the enemy’s strategies that lead us astray. Even when He speaks, many don’t take the time to listen to the voice of God. How can we know when God is speaking to us? How can we make sure to listen to His Word, understand the prophetic and forge a relationship with God?

That’s the question we dive into in this episode of the Revelations Podcast with Pastor Tom Flaherty. He shares how you can turn your desire to listen to God into a delight you can experience every day. With God’s strength and support, he shares how we can stand firm against the enemy’s temptations and reach others with our faith. We also talk more about the joyful intimacy of letting God into your life and giving Him your time and heart.

Listen to the voice of God; learn, and let God lead you in life. Tune in to this episode and open your ears to the Word of God.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Learn to examine and discern the voice of God from the noise of the world and the roaring of the devil.

  • Discover and be secure in your identity as God’s beloved child..

  • Let Jesus lead you to the next step in your life. No matter your circumstances or problems, trust in Him to guard and guide you.

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Delving into Secret Societies (Ft. Amy from Eyes on the Right)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Delving into Secret Societies (Ft. Amy from Eyes on the Right)

What do you know about the Freemasons? Many might recognize it as one of the oldest and largest secret societies in the world with millions of members. On the surface, it’s an innocent brotherhood that forges connections and gives back to the community. What many don’t realize is that this secrecy and deception conceals how their oaths of death and ideologies can bind you to something unknown and against God.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Amy from Eyes on the Right sheds light on secret societies, the oaths and rituals used in Freemasonry and the ideologies they follow. We also talk about the power of words and how these vows can bind us to evil instead of God. Most important of all, we dive into how we can break free from these bindings, renounce evil, and find freedom through our One True God.

Join us in our journey as we try to understand and become aware of how the enemy works through secret societies, oaths, and bindings.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

-Learn more about secret societies, Freemasons, and how they can deceive you.

-Understand the impact of your actions and words on who you dedicate your mind, body, and soul to.

-Find out how you can seek forgiveness and freedom with God’s guidance.

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Freedom from Fear: Understanding the End Times (Ft. Jenny Mire)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Freedom from Fear: Understanding the End Times (Ft. Jenny Mire)

“The end is coming!” Throughout the years, this short but terrifying sentence has sent shivers down the spines of believers, conjuring images of apocalyptic destruction and trials foretold by ancient texts. But should the faithful tremble at the thought of the book of Revelation, or is there a deeper understanding to be had?

This is a question Jenny Mire was able to answer in her journey to understand the end times. In this episode of The Revelations Podcast, we take a deeper look into the Bible and human history. Jenny sheds light on Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy, and why she believes that Jesus reigns in the present. She explains the Olivet Discourse and the relevance of the Old and New Covenant so we can better understand the meaning behind the book of Revelation.

This episode will give you hope to continue Gods will in your life and peace to sustain you as walk with Jesus!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Gain insight into the different major perspectives of the end times and Jenny’s partial preterist, amillennialist view.

  • Understand the Olivet Discourse and how Jesus’ proclamations are fulfilled throughout history.

  • Be freed from fear with a better understanding of the end times and the new covenant with our Lord, Jesus.

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Does God Still Heal?  Powerful Testimonies of the Gospel Everyday (Ft. Bryce Crawford)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Does God Still Heal? Powerful Testimonies of the Gospel Everyday (Ft. Bryce Crawford)

Ever feel lost, searching for more meaning in life? Buckle up, because this episode of The Revelations Podcast will blow your mind! Host Reagan Kramer sits down with Bryce Crawford, a young evangelist with a contagious passion for God. Together, they're unpacking the incredible power of the Gospel everyday[1]and the real-life miracles happening right now, from the streets of LA to bustling Mexico.

This episode is your roadmap to a deeper connection with God. Bryce shares his electrifying story of chasing after God's heart and witnessing amazing signs and wonders, as well as how you can experience the mind-blowing wisdom of God.

He tells Reagan that he, too, came from a dark place when God saved him and showed him the way:

“...when I got saved at Waffle House, I had major anxiety and depression. And I haven't struggled with it since that day. I was just like ‘God, if You're real show up in my life.’ And He showed up and He took it out.”

Are you feeling stuck, yearning for freedom and purpose? Jesus is your way out! Through Bryce's inspiring adventures, you'll discover the true power of faith and why sharing the message of hope with the world is more important than ever.

Get ready to be transformed – tune in now!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Discover Bryce's journey into evangelism and the powerful stories of healing that have shaped his mission.

  • Gain insights into how everyday people can experience miracles, signs, and wonders.

  • Learn practical steps for pursuing a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God through the Gospel everyday.

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Overcoming Trauma and Fear with the Goodness of God (Ft. Susie Larson)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Overcoming Trauma and Fear with the Goodness of God (Ft. Susie Larson)

Have you ever felt ensnared by past trauma, as if it looms over your present and obscures your future? You're not alone. We all carry the burden of past hurts, but there's solace in God's love and compassion.

In this enlightening discussion with Reagan on The Revelations Podcast, bestselling author Susie Larson opens up about her ongoing journey with the scars of past trauma and how she felt she was always bracing for impact. Through her own battle, she offers a ray of hope, reminding us that even in the darkest times, God's love shines brightly. Susie also offers practical steps on overcoming past trauma, allowing us to embrace God's healing, fortify our faith, and rejuvenate our spirits.

Join us for a conversation about healing and wholeness as we delve into Susie's narrative, the miracles of God, and her new book, "Waking Up to the Goodness of God,-40 Days Toward Healing and Wholeness" in this episode.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Gain insight into how the enemy acuses us of our past sins and trauma and how to fight for our God given healing.

  • Learn how the Scripture can help us recognize God’s miracles, embrace his mercy, and cherish his kindness, even amid adversity.

  • Discover the protective power of imprinting your hope and faith in God so you can learn how to let go of past trauma and start your journey to healing

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Making Jesus Known (Ft. Evangelist Nick Hall)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Making Jesus Known (Ft. Evangelist Nick Hall)

Being a Christian means embracing the joyful message of God, yet there are countless individuals who remain unaware and disconnected from the Gospel's transformative power. This includes people we encounter daily—our family, friends, colleagues, and the myriad of strangers we pass by. The question then arises: How can we effectively share our faith with them?

Nick Hall, Founder of Pulse Ministries, had a vision to communicate God's message to thousands nationwide. His journey began on a personal scale, sharing the Gospel with those in his immediate circle. Nick joins us to discuss the essence of evangelism and the importance of spreading one's faith. He also shares his personal testimony of loss and crisis and how he encountered God’s profound love and kindness through it all.

Sharing the Gospel can be challenging, but it's a journey worthembarking on. Dive into the world of evangelism and find inspiration to proclaim the good news by tuning into this episode of the Revelations Podcast.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Explore the essence of being an Evangelist and learn to fully embrace your faith in God.

  • Learn how God uses the pain and hardship of our lives to bring the hope of Christ to others.

  • Gain insights on effortlessly communicating the Gospel through Nick's practical advice and resources.

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Fallen Angels and Ancient Conspiricies Part 2 (Ft. Chasity Jameson)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Fallen Angels and Ancient Conspiricies Part 2 (Ft. Chasity Jameson)

Angels that fell from heaven came to earth to cause evil and issue injustice upon humanity.  The roots of much evil in the world comes from these created beings— fallen angels[1]. But do these angels still have an influence on us today?

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, we continue our interview with Chasity Jameson on the origins of evil and how the fallen angels continue to spread their demonic ways on our world today. She explains the different types of angels such as the Nephilim, Giants, the Watchers and the Divine Council and explains the motivations of the dark forces that plague humanity.

If you’d like to learn to battle the influence of fallen angels in the modern day, this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Discover what motivates the forces of darkness to continue to bring evil and ancient technology into the world.

  • Learn the contexts behind the stories in the Bible and the book of Enoch.

  • Interpret modern-day signs of evil and how the fallen angels push their influences on humanity.

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Ancient Conspiracies and the Book of Enoch Part 1 (Ft. Chasity Jameson)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Ancient Conspiracies and the Book of Enoch Part 1 (Ft. Chasity Jameson)

Where does evil come from? Why do paranormal forces affect us even if God is all powerful and always present? What does the Bible say about this and can extra-Biblical texts like the book of Enoch give Christians specific insight into these mysteries?

In this episode of the Revelation Podcast, Chasity Jameson goes over her spiritual path — from forging a profound connection with God at the young age of five to walking a path to seek the truth[1] that has gone until today. Chasity describes for us what it means to seek the truth of the Bible as it relates to angels, demons and giants — and how that can give us an even deeper knowledge of the power of Christ!

If you’d like to seek the truth for yourself, this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Discover how extra-biblical texts, like the Book of Enoch, can help you understand Scripture better.

  • Learn how to seek the truth for yourself in a way that brings you closer to God.

  • Understand the origins of evil in this world and how God’s power is greater.

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Navigating Mental Health: A Holistic Approach (Ft. Jackie Tewes)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Navigating Mental Health: A Holistic Approach (Ft. Jackie Tewes)

In recent years, the conversation around mental health in the United States has gained unprecedented momentum, reflecting a growing awareness and destigmatization of this critical aspect of our well-being.

This episode from The Revelations Podcast, featuring Jackie Tewes of Flourish Medical, delves into this complex and multifaceted topic, offering a unique perspective that intertwines medical, spiritual, and lifestyle approaches to mental health.

By listening to this episode, the audience is invited to explore a holistic approach to mental health[1]. The conversation goes beyond the conventional medical model, emphasizing the significance of spiritual and lifestyle factors in achieving mental well-being. This approach is not only enlightening but also empowering, offering listeners various tools and insights to manage their mental health more effectively.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full interview:

  • Discover the multifaceted nature of mental health.

  • Understand the importance of integrating Biblical principles and physical health for comprehensive healing.

  • Be motivated by the personal experiences and spiritual insights shared, offering practical steps for improving mental health.

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Find Deliverance From Darkness and Be Born Again (Ft. Suzanne Wanyonyi)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Find Deliverance From Darkness and Be Born Again (Ft. Suzanne Wanyonyi)

Believers in Christ are born again[1]into a new life that allows them to live in the freedom that God intended.  But because we live in a fallen world there is still pain, suffering, trauma and sin.  Even Christians can unintentionally leave an open door to evil, which can lead to Enemy Forces bringing torment into their lives.

It is through God that we find salvation and deliverance from the Enemy that stalks our steps. But deliverance is a process, and being born again is only the first step. In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Suzanne Wanyonyi takes us through her personal journey of suffering, trials, salvation and deliverance.

Listen to this episode to take your first steps toward a rebirth in Christ.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  • Hear Suzanne’s personal and deeply intimate journey of deliverance from sin.

  • Learn about how we can be born again in Jesus Christ.

  • Discover how God calls Believers in Christ to help set the captives free.

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Where do we Find True Hope? (Ft. Reagan Kramer)
Reagan Kramer Reagan Kramer

Where do we Find True Hope? (Ft. Reagan Kramer)

When the world looks hopeless we need to remember where our hope comes from. The enemy promises darkness, death and hopelessness while Jesus promises light, life and True Hope! The world will get our hopes up by promising things that don't last, Jesus gives us a hope that is firm and secure, an anchor for the soul.

Join me to take a journey through what biblical hope looks like and gain practical insights on how to live with radiant hope.

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When the Scales Fall Off (Ft. Courtnay Suter)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

When the Scales Fall Off (Ft. Courtnay Suter)

Join me as I have a candid conversation with Courtnay Suter who is the wife of Pastor Brian Suter and the Director of Women's Ministries at Branch Church. Courtnay shares how the Lord has opened her eyes over the years to the truth of the healthcare industry through her own personal medical journey. We discuss how the Holy Spirit gives discernemt, wisdom and peace when the world seems chaotic and confusing. She digs into parenting through the storms of life and understanding the Lord's will for Christians when faced with hard choices that are counter cultural.

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Fighting the Nephilim Agenda with our Authority in Christ (Ft. Dr. Laura Sanger)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

Fighting the Nephilim Agenda with our Authority in Christ (Ft. Dr. Laura Sanger)

The mystery of Genesis 6 has been on the hearts and minds of many Christ followers as they search for answers and the truth of what the scriptures say about the dark forces at work in the Nephilim.  These evil giants have long had a plan to corrupt the human genome and strip people of their humanity and they are still at work today.  Christians can use their spiritual power garnered through true faith in Christ to fight these Nephilim[1] and their agendas.

In this episode of The Revelations Podcast, we talk to Laura Sanger, Ph.D. Laura is a clinical psychologist and author with an M.A. in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and a spiritual warrior who, through the power of faith borne through her childhood, has seen, felt, and experienced the power of God. Today, she fights with her spiritual authority in Jesus Christ to share God’s manifold blessings unto all Creation.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

1.Learn how the Nephilim agenda is still alive and well in the world today.

2. Discover how true faith and trust in God gives spiritual authority to defeat the giants in our lives and in the world.

3. Understand the origins of the Nephilim and the Nephilim Hosts.

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