Christianity and Aliens (Ft. Amy from Eyes on the Right)

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Are aliens real? And if they are, what does the Bible say about aliens? The history of the world is filled with accounts of unexplained phenomena. Everything from UFOs, visions, and even advanced technology — all these things may be evidence of aliens. But there’s another side: could these things be demons instead, or the angel agents of the Enemy?

In this episode of the Revelation Podcast, Amy and Reagan discuss Christianity and aliens. Are they out there, are they real, and are they benevolent — or a challenge to our faith? We examine verses in the Bible that indicate the possibility of alien life, along with modern-day news and research showing that aliens may walk among us.

Join us on our journey through space and time as we uncover the truths being hidden from us by popular media.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Find understanding in integrating inquiry into your faith rather than blindly accepting information given to you by outside sources.

  2. Discover the historical and cultural influences behind how we view the supernatural and extraterrestrial in the modern day.

  3. Learn the value of critical thinking paired with open mindedness, especially when it comes to understanding what the Bible says about aliens and other paranormal events.

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Episode Highlights

[02:59] Aliens and Us

  • A Newsweek article suggests the possibility of advanced ancient human civilizations existing among us.

  • Some examples of alien influence include occultists such as Aleister Crowley.

  • The Nephilim and the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible also point to the potential for alien involvement in human history.

  • The media tries to tell us what these things are, and causes fear. But we can strengthen ourselves through the Bible.

[12:12] What Does the Bible Say About Aliens?

  • Some Bible stories and other religious texts may indicate that the ancient prophets had experiences with extraterrestrials.

  • These stories include the Nephilim, Zachariah’s flying scroll, the watchers on Mount Hermon, and more.

  • Aliens and demons may have similarities as well.

  • It’s vital that we use the Bible to understand these phenomena and encourage Christians to approach the topic without fear.

[13:18] Amy: “We don't have all the answers. But when you start to look at these mysterious verses, are they going to start to make a little more sense as the days draw near? Potentially, yes.”

  • As Christians, we have to understand the power and authority in Jesus Christ to face these confusing times with wisdom and discernment.

[22:45] Importance of Discussing Controversial Topics in Christianity

  • Discussing topics like extraterrestrial life and UFOs openly is crucial for Christians to stay informed and prepared.

  • The conversation should be rooted in humility and reliance on the Holy Spirit, acknowledging that not all answers are known by man.

  • Demons need a body to inhabit and are possibly the dead spirits of the Nephilim.

  • Fallen Angels could possible be the extra-terrestrial life we call Aliens.

[23:33] Reagan: “God knows everything. So if they [fallen angels] brought any of that knowledge to Earth, right, because Satan is always trying to be God and counterfeit God.”

  • It’s vital that, through Jesus, we overcome our fear and anxiety. These negative emotions can be exploited by the Enemy.

[31:15] Humanity and Alien Influence Throughout History

  • Media and celebrities significantly influence public perception, often promoting fear and confusion.

  • These outside influences have converted people into thinking that aliens and demons are cute and friendly, such as depictions of garden gnomes, mermaids, or faeries.

  • Evil organizations such as the Third Reich have always attempted to use alien knowledge to further their goals.

  • Christians should find ways to present the gospel and biblical truth in the context of current events, history, and popular culture.

[42:09] Amy: “It's all connected. And so you see kind of this full kind of timeline of what is potentially happening here. Sounds like Fallen Angel technology is what it sounds like to me.”

[42:34] Christianity and Aliens in the Modern Era

  • Christians are called to stand firm in their faith, equipped with the knowledge and power of Jesus Christ, to face the bizarre and often frightening events in the world.

  • The importance of rooting out fear and trauma to prevent the enemy from exploiting these vulnerabilities.

  • Even your history and genetics can affect your connection to God.

  • Encouragement to use discernment and wisdom, bolstered by scripture, to navigate the complexities of modern phenomena and media influences.

  • Listen to the full episode for a story from Reagan about a close paranormal encounter she had.

About Amy From Eyes on the Right.

Amy is an educator, counselor, speaker, and Bible teacher who helps others deepen their understanding of the Scripture. She is also the podcast host of the podcast, Eyes On The Right where she delves into and reveals the truth of secret societies and more. Amy uses her show and Instagram account to educate others and encourage discernment of the hidden truths.

Learn more about Amy and her work at Eyes On The Right on her Instagram and podcast links

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