S3 | Ep. 9 // Victory in Christ: By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony (ft. Ebony Small)

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 Many Christians still struggle with condemnation even after they have professed Christ. They battle feelings of unworthiness because of their sins and do not have the courage to speak their Christian testimony[1]. However, the Scripture tells us that we are to live in the power of Christ's redemption. We are to live in the power of His blood; we will boldly testify of His power to transform lives.

meta: Do not silence your Christian testimony. Let God's Word flow through you and into others to bring redemption and cast down condemnation.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Pastor Ebony Small joins us to speak about her ministry as an author, speaker and with the Christian youth as Vice President of Pulse Ministries. She tackles the shared struggle with condemnation and the victory that comes with the revelation of Christ's loving redemption.

Tune in now to learn more about what the Scriptures say regarding the grace of Christ. Listen to this episode just for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Understand that we have been redeemed, not condemned.

  2. Be inspired to boldly speak our Christian testimony to others.

  3. Learn how to cast away the self in surrender to Jesus.


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Episode Highlights

[03:26] How Christ’s Mercy Met Ebony

  • Ebony was already a Christian, but she was not actively pursuing the Lord.

  • She was 23 years old and was returning home after graduating from college. She was also in a dysfunctional relationship with an unbeliever.

  • Her relationship placed her in a depressive state and created a lot of internal turmoil. She had to acknowledge the hopelessness and the lack of direction in her life.

  • With a sudden desire to open her Bible, she chanced upon Matthew 15:8-9. The passage led to a supernatural experience.

  • Ebony wrestled with her faith for two years, and at 25, she decided to dedicate her life to Christ fully.

[08:24] Countering the Culture of Condemnation

  • The Christian struggles with Satan’s daily accusations, making them feel unworthy of being a Christian or part of a church.

  • Revelations 12 speaks about the defeat of Satan, the accuser, so we need to know as Christians we are called not to condemnation but grace and mercy.

  • The world today operates in the spirit of cancel culture, but Christians are called to counter that culture and speak about the redemption of Christ.

  • Those who have professed Christ as their personal Lord and Savior have been engrafted into a biblical inheritance.

Ebony [13:56]: “It is Satan’s job to accuse us; that’s what he’s doing. But it is Jesus’ mandate to redeem us.”

[14:56] The Power of the Blood of the Lamb

  • Our sins can only be forgiven through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus.

  • The Old Testament method of atonement is to sacrifice animals on the altar to atone for their sins with the animals’ blood.

  • In the New Testament, Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice for atonement. Because of this, we are in a constant place of redemption.

  • The power of the blood of the Lamb is made known through the word of our Christian testimony.

[16:11] Sharing Your Christian Testimony

  • People often think they are alone in their story, but when you speak of the Christian testimony of your struggle and how Christ liberated you from it, they begin to see the hope in front of them.

  • If you keep your Christian testimony to yourself, you are missing the blessing of witnessing how powerful God can work in people’s lives through it.

  • Sharing your Christian testimony requires boldness. It is not easy, but it comes with liberty and encouragement.

[19:31] What It Means to Be a Living Sacrifice

  • We are invited to continually die in the flesh to be continually transformed into the image and likeness of God.

  • As you yield more of yourself to Christ, the more difficult it becomes to sacrifice. But God uses our existing desires to be the crucible of our surrender to Him.

  • The process of dying to ourselves can be one of the most challenging experiences, but it produces a greater harvest: a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the Lord.

[26:19] Fastening the Belt of Truth

  • Ephesians 6 speaks about fastening the belt of truth to help us stand firm when the evil day comes.

  • You cannot fasten the belt of truth without daily meditation upon God's Word.

Ebony [27:24]: “Just being a Christian is not enough. But submitting your life to the authority of the Scriptures and causing them to be the standard bearer of who you are and the why of who you are is really what brings forth the change in your life.”

  • The Scripture, reminded to us constantly by the spirit of truth, is our defense against the world’s culture, ideologies, and accusations.

[30:02] How to Keep Your Eyes on Jesus Every Day

  • Do not dictate your life based on how you feel; what feels good is not always what is correct for you.

  • Me-centered living turns your relationships into transactions where everything is about meeting your needs. God designed relationships to be partnerships where covenants are honored on both sides.

  • Being self-absorbed robs us of the ability to experience the fullness of God’s purpose. Instead of to ourselves, let us look unto Jesus and how He is enough to fill us.

About Ebony

Pastor Ebony S. Small is the Vice President of Global Ministries at Pulse. She is a dynamic woman of faith, full of grace and truth, in Christ alone. She likes to minister to the youth and guide them in pursuing a deeper relationship with the Lord.


In 2020, Ebony published The Leader in You: Discovering Your Unexpected Path to Influence. The book is about discovering your unique leadership gifts and skills to glorify God and how you can use them to influence the next generations to come.


Connect and get to know Ebony through the following: Website | Instagram | Twitter

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This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives


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