S3 | Ep. 8 // Occult Practices of the World: Another Level of Spiritual Warfare Bonus Ep. 2 (ft. Dr. George Kramer)

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  Evil does not rest and always finds ways to spread itself. Evil hides in plain sight by packaging lies in the everyday media people consume. Spiritual warfare[1]  isn't always obvious — the enemy can be hidden, too. God commands us to shed light on the darkness. We have to keep our eyes open to know what needs to be exposed.

In this episode of Revelations Podcast, George Kramer, a physician at Advanced Medicine Alternatives, joins Reagan to discuss the different occult practices that have become normal in the media and how we can overcome them through God’s Word. He also builds on his medical practice and shares the spiritual roots of diseases. Spiritual pain can hinder our overall healing and recovery.

If you want to defeat God's occult enemies in spiritual warfare, this episode is for you!  

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Understand how the spirit affects overall healing and recovery

  2. Discover different examples of occult practices in the modern world.

  3. Learn how God’s love is your best weapon for spiritual warfare against malicious influences.


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●      Listen to the bonus episode with George: Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Against Occult Bondage

This Episode is brought to you by Advanced Medicine Alternatives

Get back to the active life you love through natural & regenerative musculoskeletal healing: https://www.georgekramermd.com/

Episode Highlights

[01:59] Dr. George’s Medical Practice

●      George Kramer practices musculoskeletal medicine.

●      He specializes in physical medicine and rehab.

●      Listen to The Revelations Podcast’s bonus episode on Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Against Occult Bondage with George.

[02:50] God The Healer

●      Dr. George believes human bodies are 'miraculous machines' that heal when given the correct care and tools.

●      Sometimes, the tools for healing come in the form of prayers.

George: “I’m the helper, not the healer. God is the healer.”

●      He shares how privileged he is to witness God as a miracle worker in the medical field.

[07:47] Spiritual Roots of Disease

●      People are complex organisms who get wounded physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally.

●      Spiritual and emotional wounds are often the hardest to heal. They hinder overall healing and deliverance.

●      Rejection, feeling unloved, and unforgiveness are common spiritual roots of diseases.

●      Healing and deliverance of most wounds come from a total surrender to God — to let go of the spirit of unforgiveness and let the Father's love and healing inside.

●      George believes that part of his medical practice is to encourage his patients about the power of emotional and spiritual healing physically.

Reagan: “We're in a fallen world; we're not perfect; we're going to have issues with our body 100 percent. But if we can be as healthy as can be and be healed spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, then [we can] feel good to work for the Kingdom.”

[12:38] Hidden Diseases of the World

●      Malignancies go beyond medicine. It can also be in acts of following someone not of God.

●      The occult can hide in plain sight; people are becoming desensitized to the ongoing spiritual warfare.

●      Giving allegiance to anything besides God breaks the first and greatest commandment: You shall have no other gods before Me.

●      Stop and repent if you feel like you are starting to follow occults.

[17:52] Overcoming the Darkness of the Occult

●      Ephesians 5 encourages people to walk as children of light. Discern what is pleasing to the Lord, and not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness.

●      Satan's most potent tools for spiritual warfare involve mixing truth with lies.

●      There is no need to be afraid of the demon. Instead, be prepared, keep your eyes open, and be protected by the armor of God.

●      God instructs His people to expose these ‘secrets’  and let people experience the healing love of the Father.

[26:36] Occult Practices of the Modern World 

●      There are many occult practices in the world now — some even become everyday things we consume in the media.

●      Be careful of what you consume.

●      Remember that God is the only omniscient being. He is above our ways and knows what’s best for us.

George and Reagan: “Worship the creator and not the created, and the giver and not the gifts.”

[42:51] Secrets of Hollywood

●      George shares that many movies feature evil, witchcraft, and other occult practices.

●      Images in these movies are like brain stains. Once they enter the mind, it's difficult to remove them.

●      He encourages parents to research what their children consume.

●      Do not allow children to become numb to evil. Remember that God calls us to love one another.

●      Be aware. Be advocates for your children.

About George

George Kramer is board-certified in physical medicine, rehabilitation, and pain medicine. He has received his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Minnesota Medical School and completed his residency at the Mayo Clinic.

Having practiced musculoskeletal medicine since 1985, he believes in using natural medicine to tap into our natural healing abilities. He blends conventional medicine and rehab techniques with advanced complementary therapies to provide innovative healing and long-term pain relief. He is passionate about helping his patients return to an active life they love.

If you want to reach out, you can contact George on Instagram or LinkedIn. You can also check out his website.

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kw: spiritual warfare

meta: We know about open spiritual warfare, but Satan also knows how to hide in our daily lives.

This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives


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