S3 | Ep. 1 // Psalm 91: My Story of God's Faithfullness through Disaster (ft. Reagan Kramer)

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When the darkness arrives at your doorstep, where do your thoughts turn? For many, it might be toward practical safety. But when life challenges us, we should remember God protects[1] us all. He will always be there for us, no matter what we encounter in our journey. As Believers in Christ, have faith, and you will be shielded under the shadow of the Most High.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Reagan Kramer shares her story of surviving the Haiti earthquake of 2010. Through her story, we witness a story of faith triumphing over darkness and of Jesus shielding his faithful from harm. We also hear a tale of gratitude for all that we have and for what God, in His kindness and generosity, has given us.

Tune in now to hear Reagan's miraculous story of faith, protection, and God's love during a trial that became a turning point in her faith!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Find out how God protects His people, regardless of their trials.

  2. Learn what it means to have faith even in dark hours.

  3. Find out why suffering can deepen your connection to God and help you exercise your faith.


This Episode in brought to you by: Advanced Medicine Alternatives: https://www.georgekramermd.com/

Episode Highlights

[2:32] Reagan and The Haiti Earthquake

  • Reagan was in Haiti during the quake of 2010.

  • Reagan spent time and energy helping children and the impoverished in Mother Teresa's Sisters of Charity Home.

  • Reagan, her Pastor and a mission team helped carry 25 special needs kids out of the Mephibosheth Home during the quake.

[13:29] Protected by the Divine

  • Reagan feels it was supernatural that they succeeded with no injury.

  • George was also able to call up Reagan after the quake, even though the area lost cell service.

  • Before the quake, the cats in the house warned the people inside of the coming disaster.

[22:41] The Aftermath of the Quake

  • Many people came to the house for aid. Reagan learned that someone was praying over the house every day.

  • Reagan and a pastor prayed during the aftershocks.

  • According to Psalm 91, If you make the Most High your dwelling, God protects his faithful from harm,

[28:51] Reagan: "'If you make the Most High your dwelling, in the Lord who is my refuge, that no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent, for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.' And I think that the Lord literally had me write that six months before because he knew I was going to be there."

[36:16] Repairing the Damage

  • Some of the children were assisting the people of Haiti by helping fill and distribute water.

  • The house suffered only a single crack. By comparison, the best hotels in Haiti suffered severe damage.

  • Reagan was worried about possible riots due to the desperation of the earthquake survivors.

  • Missionaries arrived and told Reagan and team to go to the embassy.

[43:50] Holding Fast to Faith

  • Some people on the team started breaking down due to stress.

  • The quake was a turning point in Reagan's faith; there was no way to go home.

  • Reagan held fast to her faith that God protects them.

  • United States citizens were swiftly evacuated 3 days after earthquake.

[45:55] Reagan: "He is our rescuer, whether we go to heaven, or whether we go home to Minnesota."

[58:09] Returning Home

  • Reagan and many other United States citizens landed safely in the McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey.

[60:14] Reagan: "There is nothing better than being home with the love of my life, family and friends after being in so much fear, anxiety and deep sadness and grief. I am so thankful."

  • Reagan is intensely grateful to God that she returned home. She doesn't know why she was spared and has food on her table while so many in Haiti have nothing.

  • According to Reagan, God has a purpose for her life.

[64:55] Strengthening Faith

  • Hard things in life force people to ask questions. Suffering lets people exercise their faith and trust in God.

  • Ask yourself: do you see God protects you, and salvation comes from Him alone?

  • You will experience an earthquake in your life. It might not be a real quake, but God is with you if you have faith.

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kw: God protects

meta: When you find yourself in times of trouble, where do you turn? Remember: God protects you from all darkness if you have faith.

This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives


S4 | Ep. 2 // Being Confident and Secure in God's Love (ft. Beverly Coniaris and Delaney Dobbs)


S3 | Ep. 9 // Victory in Christ: By the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony (ft. Ebony Small)