God Given Healing: through Prayer and Nature’s Medicine (ft. Dr. George Kramer)

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In today’s world we face pain and illness all around us. We face the risk of different diseases that can impact our lives. Now, more than ever, taking care of ourselves is essential. Through God's guidance, we can find healing and protection from disease for our mind, body, and spirit. He has given us the ability to become healthy and stay strong through faith, prevention, and nature's medicine.[1] 

God’s Word and natural medicine can help us tap into this God-given ability to heal our mind, body, and spirit. In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Dr. George Kramer shares his experience using natural medicine, prayer and the Word of God.  We dig into the roots of medicine and talk about the role of spiritual medicine in illness and healing and dive into what Scripture says about our health and treatment. Dr. George also shares his advice to help us start caring for ourselves with natural and regenerative medicine.

Join us in this conversation to learn more about what the Holy Bible says about health and God’s role as our healer.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Discover how to use nature’s medicine to heal and prevent illnesses.

  2. Understand more about God’s Word as we dive into the scriptures about health and healing.

  3. Take an active role in your health with the simple things you can do to care for yourself.


●      More from the Revelations Podcast: Website | Instagram | Apple Podcast

●      Learn about Dr. George Kramer and his practice on his website

●      Hidden Bible Health Secrets by Reginald Cherry, M.D.

●      Bible Verses:

●      1 John 1:9

●      Proverbs 17:22

●      Exodus 15:26

●      Proverbs 4: 20-22

●      Proverbs 14:30

●      Jeremiah 17:14

●      Deuteronomy 28

●      Deuteronomy 30:19

●      3 John 1:2

This Episode is brought to you by Advanced Medicine Alternatives

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Episode Highlights

[03:35] A Healthy Spirit, Mind, and Body

●      Disease is unease, strife, and struggle.

●      The Scripture says that a crushed spirit dries up the bone. Dr. Kramer explains how a crushed spirit can dry the bone marrow and affect the immune system.

●      There needs to be a holistic approach to health. Our spiritual and emotional health affects our physical body.

●      The Bible has directions on how to treat our body, mind, and spirit. The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; we need to take care of it.

●      Taking care of your body can mean a healthy diet and avoiding toxins in your mind, body, and spirit.

[08:06] The History of Medicine

●      Medical school started in Europe in the 15th or 16th century.

●      Hippocrates is the Father of Medicine. He separated medicine from philosophy, but still called on gods for healing.

●      During the 19th and 20th centuries, Western medicine separated God from medicine.

●      We've recently begun to look at the spiritual roots of illnesses.

●      For Israelites and Hebrew, healing was in the hands of God. Doctors are helpers who administer treatment while God heals.

[12:41] Choosing Nature’s Medicine

●      There were already different forms of natural healing in early medicine. Different civilizations used nature’s medicine: plants, herbs, and diets.

●      Natural medicine or naturopathy doctors use natural techniques, diets, and supplements to encourage natural healing.

●      While Western medicine has many techniques and medicines that are lifesaving, simply taking care of oneself shouldn’t be excluded.

●      The drug industry has taken over the country10.

George: “[Pills are] adulterating your body's function rather than stimulating to heal itself, which is a natural medicine way. And God commands us to take care of ourselves naturally.”

●      Unfortunately, drugs are often advertised and encouraged in the U.S. Pharmaceutical medicines have many side effects that might lead to more sickness.

[20:00] Preventative Medicine

●      Nowadays, preventative medicine has become a specialty. Unfortunately, it still focuses more on pharmaceuticals rather than lifestyle changes.

●      Only a few doctors are educated about this and don't have the time to educate others as well.

●      People often expect prescriptions for treatment. People prefer pills to get better right away instead of changing their lifestyles to prevent disease.

●      It’s best to talk to a doctor to find out what we can best do for ourselves. A naturopath consultant can advise on ways to lessen the number of drugs we might need to take.

●      We must actively choose and try to use nature's medicine. A healthy life is worth investing our time, money, and energy in.

[23:15] God’s Words of Healing

●      Raegan shares how she prefers working with a Christian doctor who understands God.

●      There was a time when she had an atheist physician, and they prayed together for him. God may want us to share Jesus with others who are helping us.

●      The Word of God can help us understand what, why, and how we can heal.

●      God’s words are life and healing.

[26:19] Heal the Mind to Heal the Body

●      Our psychological and emotional state can affect the body.

●      Envy, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness, trauma, and woundedness can lead to illness. These emotions can be the root of disease.

●      We must stay healthy and care for ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally.

●      We can do this by knowing the Word, getting social support, and working on our psychological wounds to allow healing.

[30:08] God’s Paths for Healing

●      In the Old Testament, God asks for our obedience for His healing and protection from disease. We have a responsibility to understand how God wants us to live.

Reagan: “We can live in freedom in that, but also know that we are living in spirit and truth and following the spirit and how he wants us to live. And that brings blessing and that brings healing.”

●      God can provide healing in many different ways. We can use the natural things God gave us and follow practices from the Old Testament to stay healthy.

●      Some Christians who pray for healing receive it, while others can take a slower healing path.

●      God calls on us to take an active role in our healing.

●      In the Bible, Jesus doesn't always heal people right away. He uses natural things and instructs them on treating and caring for themselves.

[35:53] Simple Ways to Help Ourselves

●      God has taught George about healing and taking care of people. He has been able to see the miracle of people’s recoveries.

●      One simple way we can help ourselves is by taking Vitamin D supplements. Supplements can help prevent different diseases and support our various organ systems.

●      Low Vitamin D levels can even cause some chronic pain. We need optimal nutrition.

●      It's essential to do everything we can to get what we want. We can't just rely on prayer.

[43:44] Different Types of Medicines

●      Traditional Western medicine or allopathic medicine is disease-oriented. It focuses on identifying the disease before treating it.

●      Natural medicine or naturopathy looks at the balance in the person. It aims to correct the imbalance and optimize the body to heal itself naturally.

George: “Our bodies are designed by God to heal if given the right tools and the right situation and the right environment and support.”

●      Alternative medicine includes different techniques from various cultures and traditions. Subgroups include acupuncture, reiki healing, and shamanism.

●      Integrative medicine integrates the different types of medicine. Vitamins, meditation, and others can support modern medical treatment.

●      George uses more natural musculoskeletal medicine to stimulate the body for long-term healing.

[49:23] How to Choose Life

●      God tells us to choose life. Jesus came down on Earth so that we live our lives fully.

●      The first step is to listen to God's Word and choose to follow Him.

●      The second thing is to learn how to treat our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit. We must care for our heart, mind, body, and spirit.

●      It can be a long process. We need to put in the effort and stay healthy continuously. We can only expect progress if we act.

●      Disease can be caused by getting too much of what we don’t need and not enough of what we do need.

[53:35] Integrating Prayer in Medical Practice

●      In the Scripture, John prays for his friends to enjoy good health and for the soul to get along well.

●      Many people have good health but don’t enjoy it. They don’t realize what they have until they lose it.

●      George encourages those with good health to enjoy their good health.

●      He prays with them if they want to. Prayer gives glory to God and calls upon His healing. It also encourages people to pray for themselves and can awaken their faith.

About Dr. George Kramer

Dr. George Kramer is a doctor practicing musculoskeletal medicine and is board certified in physical medicine, rehabilitation, and pain medicine. He has been practicing medicine since 1985 and helps his patients return to an active lifestyle. Dr. Kramer uses natural regenerative medicine to tap into the body's God-given healing ability.

To learn more about Dr. Georfe Kramer's practice, visit his website.

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kw: nature's medicine

meta: Medical knowledge today focuses on drugs and ignores nature's medicine: holistic healing, a healthy lifestyle, and the spirit.


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