From Jewish turned to Christian: How God’s Unconditional Love Shaped This Doctor’s Life (ft. Ross Hauser)

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Many individuals may experience a void or lack of genuine care amid life's challenges. This pain could stem from a sense of unworthiness rooted in their sinful nature or simply from not knowing how to find inner peace and solace. Yet, the transformative power of God's unconditional love[1] awaits if only more people could grasp this profound truth.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, we dive into the life and faith of Ross Hauser, MD who is the Medical Director of Caring Medical in Florida.  We learn about Ross’s Jewish roots and his journey to Christianity, his belief in the importance of God’s unconditional love, and his approach to integrating faith into his clinical practice.

Tune in to gain insight into the power of faith and love to transform lives and become a beacon of hope for others.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn the meaning of God’s unconditional love.

  2. Discover why Ross accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

  3. Understand how to dispense love and truth.

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Episode Highlights

[01:26] A Physician with Integrity

  • Ross Hauser is a medical doctor and runs a charity clinic in rural Illinois.

  • They perform prolotherapy, which might help regenerate ligaments and ease pain.

  • Reagan's husband saw a doctor praying with patients and praying before the treatment. That made a big impact on him.

Ross [03:28]: “People just don’t understand how passionately in love God is for them.”

[04:00] Living God’s Unconditional Love and Truth

  • All God wants to do is bless us and encourage us to live a life of love and truth.

  • As long as his motivation is God’s unconditional love and what he says is the truth, Ross is doing the will of the Lord.

  • Once you compromise the truth, your motivation is not in not the interest of the other person.

[05:11] Passion for God and Humanity

  • Ross's faith in God fuels his passion for helping others. He believes that God is deeply invested in the lives of all people, desiring for everyone to join him for eternity.

  • The divine love story begins with Abraham and the Jewish people and will ultimately be fulfilled in Israel.

  • Ross takes the re-establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948 and the continued existence of the Jewish people as evidence of God's presence and plan.

  • Despite numerous attempts throughout history to eradicate the Jews, they remain a vital part of the world.

  • Ross thinks that Jewish resilience proves the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.

[08:26] Jewish Roots and Christian Faith

  • Growing up in a Jewish family, Ross appreciates his upbringing. He still considers himself a devout Jew, even though he is a Christian.

  • Ross’ faith in Jesus as the Messiah is an integral part of his spiritual journey.

  • Ross never doubted the stories of the Bible, and when he began to explore the New Testament, he realized its Jewish roots and historical accuracy.

[12:13] A Year-Long Quest

  • Ross spent a year researching the New and Old Testaments, trying to determine if Jesus was the Messiah.

  • Ross consulted with his rabbi and examined Genesis in detail. At the age of 23, he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

  • As he delved into the Old Testament, he found that the doctrines taught in his Bible study group aligned with the teachings of the Old Testament.

  • The teachings of Jesus, Paul, Peter, and James, among others, were directed toward the Jewish people.

  • This understanding helped solidify his belief in the authenticity and accuracy of both the Old and New Testaments.

[18:30] The Influence of Jesus’ Teachings

  • Ross was deeply moved by a chapter in “More Than a Carpenter” that argued that Jesus was more than just a good person.

  • Jesus was either a 'looney tune-y,' or He was who He claimed to be—the Son of God.

  • The disciples must have witnessed the risen Jesus to have such unwavering faith. They were ordinary people who changed the world.

  • All Jesus' disciples, except John, suffered painful deaths. Ross then talks about the gruesome deaths suffered by the disciples, except John.

  • Ross thinks the only reason the disciples would be willing to die for their faith is that they had witnessed Jesus' resurrection.

[22:43] Moment of Commitment

  • In September 1985, Ross found himself alone and decided to fully commit to his faith. He acknowledged his sinful nature and believed that Jesus had died for him.

  • Ross asked for help to live a life that honored God and the Bible. He was once fearful of death but was now at peace.

  • Ross considered the three possible outcomes after death: non-existence, eternal life with God, or eternal separation from God in Hell.

  • Ross' most important goal was to ensure he would go to heaven. He encourages others to pray for guidance and truth, as he has done since the age of 17.

[27:05] Lives Transformed by Faith

  • True forgiveness for sin comes through the ultimate blood sacrifice — that of God's only begotten son, the exact representation of the Father.

  • He, a former Jew, and his fiancée, who used to be Episcopalian, became Christians. Their shared faith helped strengthen their relationship.

  • In 1994, the couple established a charity clinic in rural Illinois. Ross received revelations that led him to explore the effects of modern technology on human health.

  • Ross has shared his findings on the clinic's YouTube channel as an exercise physiologist. He focuses on addressing the physical effects of using screens.

[34:18] God’s Unconditional Love

  • Ross emphasizes that Christianity is about belief, not actions.

Ross [34:24]: “The hardest thing to understand is unconditional love.”

  • Unconditional love means that one's standing before God is not dependent on their deeds but on Jesus's sacrifice on the cross.

  • This realization allowed Ross to let go of the burden of people-pleasing. He instead prioritizes dispensing love and truth, no matter the circumstances.

  • He believes that a successful life is marked by an increase in God's unconditional love, not material gains or popularity.

[34:18] Seeing the Bigger Picture

  • Learn to be comfortable in silence. Silence will allow individuals to focus on the divine presence.

  • He recommended that couples share their daily experiences with God by discussing the amazing things that happened throughout the day.

  • This approach helps to put life's challenges into perspective, allowing them to focus on the bigger picture.

  • We should always prioritize advancing the Kingdom of God.

[39:45] Celebrating the Good Things

Reagan [41:09]: “We take all this guilt and shame on us and its condemnation when 50 other things could have been absolutely amazing that day. We could have been able to encourage someone through prayer at the grocery store.”

  • Rather than focusing on negativity, Ross encourages people to celebrate and derive an emotional charge from the good things in life.

  • Humility is about aligning your opinion of yourself with God's. This approach can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

[43:15] Freedom from Rituals and Following the Holy Spirit

  • When Ross accepted Jesus Christ, he understood that God's forgiveness meant his sins were covered and forgotten.

  • God forgives him, but he must still address the consequences of his actions on Earth, such as apologizing to others.

  • Around a decade ago, he did away with Christian rituals. He found freedom in asking God what he wanted him to do daily.

  • Ross sought to follow the Holy Spirit wherever it led, ultimately desiring to encourage others to trust God and live powerful, loving lives.

[45:53] Integrating Faith into Practice

  • Ross prays over his patient list, seeking divine guidance for each person.

  • He does not impose his faith on his patients but strives to ensure that they feel loved and cared for. While people may reject certain beliefs or ideas, they will never reject love.

  • Jesus did not explicitly command people to attend church, but doing so can serve important purposes.

  • The Church reminds us that we are all beloved children of God, promotes family values, and offers a supportive community during challenging times.

[51:57] Struggles with Faith and Family

  • Ross’ family initially reacted negatively when he started following Jesus. However, over time, his parents began to see the hand of the Lord in his and his wife’s lives.

  • His family's love for his gentile wife grew, and they began embracing her as their daughter.

  • As more family members converted to Christianity, God continued to work on their hearts, and Ross was grateful for the positive changes he witnessed.

[53:31] A Life in Service and Healing

  • Ross did not feel a specific calling to share the gospel with Jewish people.

  • Instead, he felt God called him to be a healer and a light in the field of regenerative medicine.

  • He started the Journal of Prolotherapy and has made significant contributions to the understanding and treatment of various diseases.

[56:16] Belief and Faithfulness as Key Virtues

  • God isn't impressed by material possessions or popularity but by the faithfulness of those who believe in His word.

  • According to Ross, people with true belief will naturally demonstrate their faith.

  • The most important thing God wants from people is to believe in His Word.

  • Many people often struggle with hopelessness and despair because they don't understand God's unconditional love.

  • He recommends the book “The Missing Commandment: Love Yourself” to help people learn to love themselves as God loves them.

[1:02:02] Care Deficiency

  • Ross started looking into people's eyes while conversing. The undivided attention facilitated deeper connections.

  • This presence allowed others to feel truly seen and heard, often leading to intimate conversations about matters beyond the superficial.

  • There is a care deficiency in today's society. Many people lack someone who genuinely cares for them, including a physician.

  • Know that someone cares for us. God's unconditional love is universal. Ross expresses that the gift of salvation only requires faith and acceptance.

[1:03:42] Prayer for Love and Encouragement

  • Ross closes the conversation with a heartfelt prayer for the listeners and Reagan.

  • He prayed for everyone watching the video, hoping the message would encourage their faith and remind them of their status as beloved sons and daughters of God.

  • He prayed for strength in marriages, growth in faith, and for the seeds planted during the podcast to bear fruit.

  • Finally, Ross asks for hope and help for those feeling helpless or hopeless, asking that more people be able to hear God's voice in their lives.

About Ross Hauser

Dr. Ross Hauser is a board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation physician. He has been specializing in Prolotherapy (Regenerative Injection Therapy) since 1993. His expertise covers various treatments, such as dextrose prolotherapy, PRP therapy, and Stem Cell therapy.

However, his devotion to healing goes beyond just the physical. As a former Jew turned Christian, Ross believes that the ultimate goal of life is to advance the kingdom of God and to show unconditional love and truth to all those around us.

To connect with him, you may send an email or visit his Youtube channel.

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kw: God's unconditional love

meta: God is ineffable, but we can know Him still. God's unconditional love is universal; it is for everyone.


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