S3 | Ep. 7 // To Have Faith In God: Forgotten by the World, Remembered by Jesus (ft. JoAnn Doyle)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 7 // To Have Faith In God: Forgotten by the World, Remembered by Jesus (ft. JoAnn Doyle)

Many people have found hope, love, peace, and forgiveness in Jesus. It is His light that guides us through the darkness in our lives. However, there are still many out there who haven’t come to have faith in God and Jesus. Despite this, Jesus has not forgotten them. As His believers, we have the opportunity to share with others the truth we found in Christ.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, JoAnn Doyle joins us to discuss sharing Christ in the Middle East. JoAnn imparts inspiring stories of women who found faith in Christ and sought to share His light with the people around them.

Join us to learn how we can bravely share the truth[1] , even with those who seem so distant. Listen to this episode just for you!

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S3 | Ep. 6 // Bringing the Strong Man Down with Jesus’ Love and Forgiveness(ft. Mark Halla)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 6 // Bringing the Strong Man Down with Jesus’ Love and Forgiveness(ft. Mark Halla)

No one is exempt from sin and making mistakes. It is the reality of life that we sometimes stray from God's path for us and seek strength from the darkness within us. However, we can redeem ourselves every day and in every way; by loving God and sharing His Word, God calls us to become truth-tellers and ambassadors of His Love[1] for us.

Joining us in this episode of Revelations Podcast is Mark Halla, founding member of The Outpost. Tune in as he shares his raw and moving story of redemption from his sins that we can only receive through God's eternal love for us.

If you want to know how to receive Christ Jesus without reservations and become a messenger of His Word, this episode is for you!

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S3 | Ep. 5 //  Mercy Truimphs Over Judgement (ft. Melissa Coleman)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 5 // Mercy Truimphs Over Judgement (ft. Melissa Coleman)

Sometimes, people will hurt you whether they mean to or not. When that happens, it's easy to cast the blame and carry those heavy feelings for a long time. But unforgiveness and hurt are the Enemy's attempts to gain access to your life — and mercy will help you break free from the bondage with the Enemy and heal from the pain.

Joining us in this episode of Revelations Podcast is Melissa Coleman, a Twin Cities attorney. Tune in as she shares how she discovered the power of mercy and how it can help you reclaim your power and cast down the Enemy.

If you want to know how to release mercy unto your offenders and set yourself free from torment, this episode is for you.

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S3 | Ep. 4 // Bonus Episode: Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Against Occult Bondage (ft. Dr. George Kramer)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 4 // Bonus Episode: Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Against Occult Bondage (ft. Dr. George Kramer)

We’ve all been there. That situation where we just feel so outnumbered, as though the darkness is creeping in and there’s nothing we can do to stop it.

Sometimes, evil seems to be winning, and we’re powerless to do anything about it. Evil is real; it is a dark, terrible force that invades our lives and attacks us from all sides. While it might be incredibly difficult to overcome evil, know that you are never alone. With the power of prayer and faith, you can stand firm in Christ and stand up to the darkness.

In this episode, George Kramer, a physician at Advanced Medicine Alternatives, joins Reagan to talk about the occult and how evil manifests in our life. He shares the things that create spiritual strongholds and how you can overcome them.

If you want to learn how to cast out evil in your life and walk with Christ, this episode is for you!

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S3 | Ep. 3 // I will do whatever you ask in my name (ft. Shug Bury)
Brian Kramer Brian Kramer

S3 | Ep. 3 // I will do whatever you ask in my name (ft. Shug Bury)

Hearing the gospel can save us from suffering. For people living in the darkest places in this world, it becomes even more important. Prison ministry gives our brothers and sisters in prison the chance to hear God’s word and feel encouraged to live better lives. Evil beings may try to take advantage of the darkness and suffering in these spaces, but there’s always a way to break free and allow Jesus Christ into our lives.

In this episode, Shug Bury, the founder of HIM4Her Ministries, joins Reagan to talk about her experience in prison ministry. She discusses what being an evangelist means and offers advice to aspiring spiritual leaders. Shug also shares her own encounters with enemy possessions, spiritual warfare and how praying in the name of Jesus is our most powerful weapon!

If you want to know more about the power of praying in the name of Jesus and prison ministry, then this episode is for you!

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