S3 | Ep. 3 // I will do whatever you ask in my name (ft. Shug Bury)

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This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives

Hearing the gospel can save us from suffering. For people living in the darkest places in this world, it becomes even more important. Prison ministry gives our brothers and sisters in prison the chance to hear God’s word and feel encouraged to live better lives. Evil beings may try to take advantage of the darkness and suffering in these spaces, but there’s always a way to break free and allow Jesus Christ into our lives.

In this episode, Shug Bury, the founder of HIM4Her Ministries, joins Reagan to talk about her experience in prison ministry. She discusses what being an evangelist means and offers advice to aspiring spiritual leaders. Shug also shares her own encounters with enemy possessions, spiritual warfare and how praying in the name of Jesus is our most powerful weapon!

If you want to know more about the power of praying in the name of Jesus and prison ministry, then this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Get to know what the Bible says about praying in the name of Jesus.

2. Learn Shug’s motivation for pursuing prison ministry and what being an evangelist means to her.

3. Discover how you can face the enemy during spiritual attacks.

[02:59] What Does Being an Evangelist Mean?

  • When you say yes to Jesus, the Holy Spirit equips you with a gift for two reasons: one is to glorify God, and the other is to edify or help the people around you.

  • Shug realized that her spiritual gifts are leadership and teaching.

  • Evangelism is another gift. It is when you share the gospel in a way that makes people hear it in a whole new way.

Shug: “What you guys don't realize is oftentimes your natural gifts merge in well with your spiritual gifts because God's made you perfect just the way you are.”

[06:05] How Shug Got into Prison Ministry

  • Shug never expected to be preaching in prisons.

  • She was in a leadership position at her church before she was asked to preach the gospel at prisons.

  • During Shug’s first time preaching, she was extremely nervous, but she saw a “large hand” pointed at her, telling her that she was created for a time such as this.

  • She had an hour to speak at a women’s prison and the moment she started talking, her nervousness was washed away and she could preach freely.

  • Shug has been preaching in women’s prisons for more than 20 years now. She’s also held leadership summits in Africa, Rwanda, and Kenya.

[09:15] Shug’s Experience in Prison Ministry

  • Shug was eventually invited by Dr. Sammy Wanyonyi of SHINE Ministries to join in prison ministry in Africa. From there, she was even able to hold a leadership summit for all of Kenya.

  • When we start to rationalize what’s happening, our human, sinful side comes in and we start to make excuses for what was really God’s doing.

  • Shug knows some people who stepped down from leadership in prison because being on the frontlines feels like spiritual warfare and they didn't like that oppression.

  • Even if preachers feel as if prison is the last place they want to be, people are saved when they visit. Always remember that there's power in the name of Jesus, that He can overcome any evil.

[18:05] Preaching to Death Row Inmates

Shug: “No matter what God calls you to, you don't have to be an evangelist. Whatever He calls you to, you have to know that this is God's work. This has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do [with] God.”

  • Shug recalls being on her knees and praying during her first prison visit in Africa. She led the invitation prayer and, by the end, many of the men in the room had their hands in the air, crying, repenting, and asking Jesus to come into their hearts.

  • When she preaches and people get swept up by God’s message, Shug feels as if she’s flying.

[24:47] Helping People Possessed by the Enemy

Shug: “God puts you through different seasons of life, and I've watched God do this in your life as well. He puts you through different seasons of life to not only train and equip you at that moment, but also prepare you for the next season of what that life might look like.”

  • Demonic possession is all over the scripture. It occurs at sacred events where a demon vehemently reacts and rejects listening to preaching.

  • In freeing a human from possession, instead of getting mad or arguing, start with love, which is Satan's Kryptonite.

  • Shug was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, but one day, she went to the doctor and was told that she had already been cured. Shug believes it was the power of prayer and was reminded of Jesus Christ getting healed and rising from the dead.

[40:47] HIM4Her Ministries

  • HIM4Her Radio is HIM4Her Ministries’ radio program that shares the gospel and talks about women’s hot topics through the lens of Christ in the hopes of freeing women inside and outside of prison through radio.

  • As founder of HIM4Her Ministries, Shug also does public speaking in women's events, conferences, and churches,

  • Shug, as a keynote speaker with the Prison Fellowship Ministry, goes all around the United States, holding events for women in prisons.

  • HIM4Her Ministries conducts prison mentoring, where volunteers walk alongside imprisoned women three to six months prior to their release and mentor them for up to two years post-release.

  • HIM4Her Ministries provides housing for female felons, since most other people won't allow them into their homes or to rent. They hope to provide homes and a safe place for women.

[43:23] Words of Wisdom

  • If you're in a dangerous spot or don't know what to do, there is power in the name of Jesus Christ.

  • Let's love one another the way God intended us to love one another.

About Shug

Shug Bury is the founder and president of HIM4Her Ministries. She is a radio host, evangelist, and preacher pursuing prison ministry. She’s spoken at many conferences, churches, and prisons to help people reclaim their lives.

Shug founded HIM4Her Ministries to encourage healing and redemption beyond the walls of a prison. HIM4Her Ministries aims to spread God’s power through the Gospel while also empowering women.

If you want to reach out, you can contact Shug on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn or check out the HIM4Her Ministries website

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 This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives


Listen to this episode on Spotify here or on Apple Podcasts here.

Watch this episode on YouTube below.

This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives


S3 | Ep. 4 // Bonus Episode: Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Against Occult Bondage (ft. Dr. George Kramer)


S3 | Ep.2 // Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion (ft. Susie Larson)