S3 | Ep. 5 // Mercy Truimphs Over Judgement (ft. Melissa Coleman)

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Sometimes, people will hurt you whether they mean to or not. When that happens, it's easy to cast the blame and carry those heavy feelings for a long time. But unforgiveness and hurt are the Enemy's attempts to gain access to your life — and mercy will help you break free from the bondage with the Enemy and heal from the pain.

Joining us in this episode of Revelations Podcast is Melissa Coleman, a Twin Cities attorney. Tune in as she shares how she discovered the power of mercy and how it can help you reclaim your power and cast down the Enemy.

If you want to know how to release mercy unto your offenders and set yourself free from torment, this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Discover the power of mercy and how it can free you from the Enemy.

  2. Find out the benefits of releasing mercy and the consequences of withholding it.

  3. Learn how to put mercy into practice.


  • More from the Revelations Podcast: Website | Instagram | Apple Podcast

  • Connect with Melissa: mcoleman@colemanlaw.us.com

  • Sample Prayers at end of show notes.

Episode Highlights

[03:38] How Faith Fit Into Her Childhood

  • Melissa has been a lawyer for 24 years.

  • When she was young, Melissa wondered why her mother would always get up early to spend her quiet time reading the Bible and praying.

  • Her mother also encouraged her to memorize Scripture.

  • Though she fell away for many years, God eventually brought her back home.

[04:59] Coming Back to God

  • The person who offends you needs ministry the most.

Melissa: “God whispered to me years ago that the person who offends me the most or worse is usually very often the one that I’m supposed to minister to.”

  • When she was a teen, something made her question God's existence.

  • God sent a stranger to break through her barriers and enter her life.

[08:43] The Power of Mercy

  • Law is built on accusations.

  • A woman in her church felt perpetually physically, emotionally, and mentally attacked.

  • If you feel tormented and attacked, the power of mercy can help you break the access that the Enemy has in your life.

Reagan: “There's moments where God's calling the troops, and we need to pray, right? But then there's other moments where it's like we have the Holy Spirit in us, and we have the power to defeat the Enemy.”

  • You have the power to defeat the Enemy, but it’s good to do it with somebody.

[14:59] Defining Mercy

  • Mercy is about not counting people’s sins against them.

  • While grace is God giving us what we don’t deserve, mercy is God refraining from giving us the punishment we deserve.

  • Mercy is what Jesus does; forgiveness is what we do in our hearts.

Melissa: “Forgiveness is my willingness to write that check, that heart condition that says, ‘Yes, I will agree with mercy, with Jesus’s mercy and not count this person’s sin against them.’”

  • The heavenly realm is legal and governmental.

[18:57] Breaking Your Connection with the Enemy

  • When somebody offends us, our self-worth and self-esteem diminish.

  • Mercy heals everything.

Melissa: “I think time heals nothing. In the matters of the soul, I think it just buries them deeper. I think mercy heals everything. I’ve seen it happen. And I’ve seen it happen in a moment.”

  • If someone offends you, haul them into the heavenly courts, name the charges against them accurately, and choose between revenge and mercy.

  • Choosing mercy breaks the Enemy’s grip on yourself and your offender.

  • The Enemy gains access to you by putting somebody in your path to hurt you.

[27:25] The Consequences of Withholding Mercy

  • Withholding mercy gives the Enemy access into your life.

  • The Enemy loves to torment our minds and hearts with painful memories and emotions.

  • It isn't about getting an apology but rather about getting the Enemy's hooks out of us so we can be free from the trauma and hurt.

  • Always forgive from the heart.

  • If you find forgiveness difficult, ask God for guidance.

[35:48] Responses to Pain

  • People are in so much pain.

  • Alcohol, drugs, and suicide are common responses to pain.

Melissa: “People are in a lot of pain because the Enemy has been given a lot of access to people’s lives and their hearts.”

  • Acknowledge how heavy, condemned, and conflicted you might be, then choose to release mercy on your offenders.

  • Protecting your freedom is more important than protecting your pride.

[39:49] What Mercy Isn’t

  • Mercy isn’t about giving people unlimited chances.

  • Showing mercy allows you to reclaim your power and freedom.

  • When you show mercy, you reestablish your boundaries so that people can’t keep coming in uninvited and hurting you.

  • Be careful not to commit double jeopardy.

[48:19] Putting Mercy Into Practice

  • Write out the names of the people that the Lord brings to the surface of your mind.

  • Choose one name, flip the page over, and then write that name at the top.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to articulate the charges against that person, then say a prayer to release mercy over the perpetrator and yourself.

  • When you show mercy, you're completely set free — the Enemy can't condemn you.

  • God calls us to be authentic and transparent.

Sample Prayers from Melissa: 

Releasing mercy over the perpetrators in my life

Loving Father and Righteous Judge, I summons ________(name) to the heavenly courts. ________(name), I charge you with: 1)_______ (offense #1); 2)_______ (offense #2); and 3) _______ (offense #3).  You are guilty of these charges and deserving of punishment. However, because Jesus chose to extend mercy to me for a debt I could never repay, I choose to extend this same mercy to you for your offenses against me. Jesus, I ask that you not count _____’s (name) sins against him/her. I hereby break the power of condemnation off of you, _____(name), and I declare you acquitted, forgiven and free. I also hereby break every tie I have had with the accuser against _____ (name). Enemy, you no longer have power over me and no legal right to torment me. I will not be lured back in by you or commit double jeopardy. I break off my relationship with you now against ____ (name) for good. Father God, I now choose to partner with You for ____ (name) and I ask that you bless him/her with every heavenly blessing. *Get specific if you know of any prayer need for this person.

Releasing mercy over myself when there’s  been prolonged unforgiveness

Loving Father and Righteous Judge, I put myself in the defendant’s seat in your heavenly court and I charge myself with the offense of unforgiveness against ______ (name) for ___ years. Although I am guilty of this sin of unforgiveness and deserving of punishment, I plea the blood of Jesus and I release Jesus’ mercy over myself, so my sin will not be counted against me. I hereby break off the power of the enemy to accuse and condemn me for this sin. I declare myself acquitted, forgiven and set free in Jesus’ name.


 Releasing mercy over myself                                          

For my sin (violating my conscience)

Loving Father and Righteous Judge, I put myself in the defendant’s seat in your heavenly court and I charge myself with the offense of violating my conscience by _______ (name the offense). I also charge myself with the offense of ignoring your Holy Spirit’s leading to do/not do ________(name how you ignored Holy Spirit). Although I am guilty and deserving of punishment, I plea the blood of Jesus and I release Jesus’ mercy over these sins, so they will not be counted against me. I hereby break off the power of the enemy to accuse and condemn me. I declare myself acquitted, forgiven and set free in Jesus’ name. 


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This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives

Listen to this episode on Spotify here or on Apple Podcasts here.


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S3 | Ep. 4 // Bonus Episode: Spiritual Warfare: Fighting Against Occult Bondage (ft. Dr. George Kramer)