S4 | Ep. 5 // Desperation to Reconciliation in Marriage Part I (ft. Todd and Mary Bertelson)

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There comes a time when every marriage is put to the test. What happens when we think that there is no hope?  Whether it’s career, trauma or household pressures, it may seem like you and your partner are up against the world. However, you are not alone. God is with you in every step of your marriage. Reconnecting with your faith and deepening your relationship with Christ can help you see your marriage and your partner in a new, more empathetic light.

In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Todd and Mary Bertelson shares their story of wanting to give up on their marriage, but through resilience and reconciliation[1] God had a different plan.  Through their challenges they were able to find their way back to each other and Christ. Their story of faith inspires and reminds us that marriage is a covenant and a deeply personal relationship between the couple and the Lord. God can help you and your partner love one another, building your marriage stronger than ever.

Tune in to learn more about the power of reconciliation and God’s grace to heal any marriage.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Learn how unhealed trauma can affect your marriage.

  2. Discover the joy of reconnecting with your faith when experiencing marital troubles.

  3. Understand how God can guide your marriage through reconciliation and forgiveness.


There are significant production and editing costs for this podcast.  If you feel called to be a part of what God is doing and want to financially support us you can go to Venmo: @therevelationspodcast or go to our website www.therevelationspodcast.com and hit the contribute button.

Thank You!

This Episode is brought to you by Advanced Medicine Alternatives

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Episode Highlights

[02:26] How Todd and Mary Met

  • Todd and Mary met when they were 16 and got married when they were 21. Because they married young, they didn’t have all the tools to deal with their unhealed pasts.

  • They both thought marriage will provide the things they felt were missing from their lives. However, it only revealed how unhealthy they were.

Mary [06:07]: “No one else can do that. Nobody else can make up for the unhealed places in our hearts but Jesus.”

  • God softens our hearts for so we could forgive and reconcile.

  • Todd and Mary are in the real estate business. They have two grown children who are married and live locally. They also have three grandchildren.

[07:46] Mary’s Healing Journey Inspired by Christ

  • When Mary realized the enemy’s lies wounded her soul and directed her anger at God, she also realized this is what the enemy does to the world at large.

  • She then became passionate about letting the world know the truth.

  • During a rough patch in their marriage, Mary was overcome with rage to the point of tears. But God showed her she was getting angry with the wrong person.

  • Anger helped her see where she needed healing. Her faith guided her healing journey.

[13:14] Todd’s Past Guided by Christ’s Love

  • Todd has been independent since he was a child. Even though he was often a troublemaker, people around has shown him grace — even in moments when he felt unlovable.

  • Todd considers these people as seeds that represent Christ’s grace, a gift that he admits he forgets.

[14:45] The Gift of Reconciliation

  • They were married for three years, and things were getting difficult in their household and careers. Amid all this stress, Mary’s father also died in a farming accident.

  • During the funeral, Mary was talking to God because she felt trapped in their situation.

  • She believed in the enemy’s lies about herself and her marriage. Thus, she needed to listen to Christ so that they could start over.

  • Their reconciliation was not straightforward or immediate. They could pull through it all because they were ready to work together.

Mary [22:19]: “It took time. And it took a willingness on my part to be willing to soften my heart to find something good in him when I couldn’t see it. But the Lord helped me with all that.”

[23:12] How Faith Guides Lives

  • When Todd was 15, he was arrested and put in jail. While sitting outside with his mother, she reassured him they will get through this.

  • When they got married, his focus shifted to his career and strayed away from his faith.

  • Mary and Todd felt that their faith back then was performance-based. They didn’t connect with Jesus on a deeper and personal level.

  • God changes the way a person looks at their life and their partner.

Todd [26:57]: “It was totally a miracle. It was the Spirit changing our eyesight for each other.”

[27:03] God’s Work on Their Marriage

  • Todd and Mary felt relief that they no longer fight each other all the time. Their faith helped them move in the same direction.

  • They sought counseling and a different perspective to help them see their problems. The truth helped them heal.

  • During a counseling session, Mary revealed an incident from her past. Todd moved from a place of anger to a place of compassion and empathy because he understood something about her that he didn’t know before.

  • Reconciliation and forgiveness start with understanding your partner clearer and seeing them with compassion.

[31:36] How Todd and Mary Continue to Heal

  • Todd and Mary went to a marriage conference when they were going through another difficult cycle.

  • During lunch break, Mary had a vision from the Lord. The two of them were in a boat with rocky waves, ready to throw their oars.

  • This pushed them to make their marriage work. Todd and Mary walked back to the session with softened hearts, willing to make changes to their marriage.

  • Through the grace of God, they were able to make amends and come back to each other despite difficult circumstances.

[40:23] The Beauty of Reconciliation and Gospel

  • Being reconnected to God can help you with reconciliation.

  • Turn to each other and start repentance, and then this will lead to reconciliation.

  • God has already done the forgiving and reconciliation. We just need to receive it in our lives.

  • Forgiveness is about your freedom and releasing the other person to God. Reconciliation is about two people doing the work and reconnecting with God to ask for forgiveness.

About Todd and Mary

Todd and Mary Bertelson are real-estate agents based in Minnesota. They have been married since 21 and since then have had two children, who have given them three grandchildren. Their faith in Christ has helped them repent, forgive, reconcile and work their marriage out through difficult circumstances. 

To connect with them, you may reach them through Facebook or their real-estate website

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keyword: reconciliation


meta description: Todd and Mary Bertelson shares their story of resilience and reconciliation. They talk about their challenges and how they were able to find their way back to each other and Christ. Tune in to learn more about the power of reconciliation and God’s grace to heal any marriage.



This podcast is sponsored by Advanced Medicine Alternatives


S4 | Ep. 6 // The Power of the Holy Spirit in Reconciliation Part 2 (ft. Todd and Mary Bertelson)


S4 | Ep. 4 // The Rooted Truth of God's Word (ft. Jenny Mire)