Ancient Conspiracies and the Book of Enoch Part 1 (Ft. Chasity Jameson)

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Where does evil come from? Why do paranormal forces affect us even if God is all powerful and always present? What does the Bible say about this and can extra-Biblical texts like the book of Enoch give Christians specific insight into these mysteries? 

In this episode of the Revelation Podcast, Chasity Jameson goes over her spiritual path — from forging a profound connection with God at the young age of five to walking a path to seek the truth[1] that has gone until today.  Chasity describes for us what it means to seek the truth of the Bible as it relates to angels, demons and giants — and how that can  give us an even deeper knowledge of the power of Christ!

If you’d like to seek the truth for yourself, this episode is for you.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Discover how extra-biblical texts, like the Book of Enoch, can help you understand Scripture better.

  2. Learn how to seek the truth for yourself in a way that brings you closer to God.

  3. Understand the origins of evil in this world and how God’s power is greater.

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Episode Highlights

[01:05] Learning to Seek the Truth

  • Chasity was raised in the Worldwide Church of God — an organization that she admits may have some cult-type tendencies.

  • The Worldwide Church of God doesn't celebrate most holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day. Chasity didn't learn why while growing up.

  • When Chasity was 13, the church's leadership changed. The new leader made sweeping changes, such as being allowed to eat bacon or celebrate holidays.

  • These changes were faith-shattering for Chasity, leading her to find her own path and seek the truth.

  • She wants others to go on a similar journey of truth-seeking for themselves.

[07:55] How Chasity Found Jesus' Salvation

  • Chasity found Jesus at five years old.

  • She had a dysfunctional family; fights were common, and she experienced the effects of domestic abuse.

  • She used to hide in a closet during these fights — and that's how she knew she couldn't go it alone.

  • Once, Chasity prayed to God in that closet and forged a deep, profound connection with Jesus.

[11:27] Chasity's Testimony

  • Chasity had a deep connection with God but started experiencing harmful paranormal experiences that she knew weren't divine in nature.

  • She attributes this to a generational curse — her parents, grandparents, and ancestors all experienced similar things.

  • The Church was no help because they always assumed that you did something pagan or unholy. Chasity claims she had done nothing to open a doorway to evil in her life.

  • A woman prayed over her and spoke in tongues — but Chasity understood it. During this experience, her generational curse was broken.

[19:31] Starting Ancient Conspiracies

  • Chasity worked in ministry and met a friend with whom she would discuss Bible studies, podcasts, and conspiracy topics.

  • They listened to a breakdown of the Book of Enoch, which gave her an answer to her questions surrounding the connection between evil and paranormal activity.

  • Seeing so many different perspectives made Chasity think it would be fun to start a podcast around paranormal events throughout history.

  • Chasity finds her topics on Ancient Conspiracies through her studies.

[28:23] The Book of Enoch

  • There are two Enochs in the Bible. The first is the son of Cain, while the other is descended from Seth — the godly lineage.

  • Readers must be careful — Enoch, son of Cain, wrote very cultish knowledge, while Enoch, the descendant of Seth, was divine.

  • Much of the book of Enoch references or is referenced by other passages in the Bible.

  • The Book of Enoch covers much of the origins of evil in the world and the deep connections between human and angelic beings.

[32:56] Working Against the Fallen

  • Several passages in the Bible and the Book of Enoch describe how fallen angels had spread their influence throughout the Earth.

  • One of the most significant contradictions in the Bible is God's mercy versus the multiple genocidal actions God has taken.

  • One hypothesis is that much of the world was already corrupted due to the influence of fallen angels and Nephilim.

[41:07] Should We Trust the Book of Enoch?

  • The physical writings of Enoch were destroyed, but what he wrote survived through oral tradition.

  • The Essenes later compiled them along with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Book of Enoch was later passed to the Ethiopian Church, which preserved it.

  • Multiple writings indicate that ancient peoples may have considered the Book of Enoch canonical Scripture.

  • It's important to remember that extra-Biblical texts provide additional perspective on the nature of God.

About Chasity

Chasity is the owner and host of the Ancient Conspiracies podcast, where she goes over the connections between history, Biblical text, and extra-Biblical writing to uncover knowledge about the world that most may not know exists.

Join her to seek the truth on her website.

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kw: seek the truth

secondary kw: book of enoch

meta: As devout followers of God, we are compelled to seek the truth in all things. Sometimes that leads us to places we might feel uncomfortable going!


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