Find Deliverance From Darkness and Be Born Again (Ft. Suzanne Wanyonyi)

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Believers in Christ are born again[1]into a new life that allows them to live in the freedom that God intended.  But because we live in a fallen world there is still pain, suffering, trauma and sin.  Even Christians can unintentionally leave an open door to evil, which can lead to Enemy Forces bringing torment into their lives. 

It is through God that we find salvation and deliverance from the Enemy that stalks our steps. But deliverance is a process, and being born again is only the first step. In this episode of the Revelations Podcast, Suzanne Wanyonyi takes us through her personal journey of suffering, trials, salvation and deliverance.

Listen to this episode to take your first steps toward a rebirth in Christ.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Hear Suzanne’s personal and deeply intimate journey of deliverance from sin.

  2. Learn about how we can be born again in Jesus Christ.

  3. Discover how God calls Believers in Christ to help set the captives free.

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Episode Highlights

[01:56] The Evangelist's Wife

  • Suzanne is the wife of Sammy Wanyonyi, an evangelist. Sammy travels the world to preach the Gospel.

[03:49] Reagan: "You guys are like a power team for the Lord. I mean, you know, you pray together, you believe together. You raise your kids together."

  • Suzanne had a religious experience during one of Sammy's missions to Tanzania.

  • While the team would go out and work, Suzanne would usually stay in their vehicle. She asked God, "What am I doing here?"

  • While she was questioning, Sammy woke up and told her to do a teaching on deliverance.

  • Suzanne would normally be overwhelmed by the idea of talking on stage, but this time, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, she did it in total peace.

[10:28] Suzanne's Rebirth into Christ

  • When Suzanne was four, her entire family was born again. She claims to have seen an angel at a young age.

  • Because of her supernatural experience, she could never be an atheist or deny God's existence, even in her rebellious years.

  • Suzanne spent several years angry at God, but returned to him after a miraculous night of prayer.

  • In that moment, she was born again, and the anger at the world disappeared from her heart.

  • It was an overnight transformation and miracle.

[27:03] The Power of Prayer

  • It turns out that one of Suzanne's classmates had been praying for her.

  • After her overnight transformation, Suzanne believes that God brought her from one community into a Christian one.

  • Suzanne celebrates that she no longer feels anger or shame.

[32:00] Suzanne: "Every sin can be wrapped up in the 10 Commandments."

  • God loves us and wants us to be part of His family.

  • Sometimes, the lack of worldly love can lead us astray.

[37:49] Walking in the Gifts of the Spirit

  • One night, during the pandemic, Suzanne says she began speaking in tongues.

  • Suzanne believed you had to be special to perform miracles such as healing, prophecy, or exorcism.

  • In 2019, she went through a personal revival. What was an overnight transformation became a hunger for the Lord.

  • There is no special class of Christian — anyone with true faith can perform miracles.

[48:56] Suzanne: "Deliverance is a process."

  • What began with an overnight transformation became a lifelong journey.

[51:41] From Whence Deliverance Comes

  • As we come to learn and understand, we have to walk out our faith and share it by providing deliverance to others.

  • We are all called by God to share the Gospel and share with others how to be Born Again.

  • We can learn deliverance from many places. Suzanne learned it through study and books.

  • Sometimes, you might not realize you need deliverance from something you've had your whole life.

  • Casting out your demons is only the first step. You then have to walk in the light of Christ.

About Suzanne Wanyonyi

Suzanne Wanyony is the wife of Dr. Sammy Wanyonyi. Together, they do ministry in several places worldwide, in missions ranging from Africa to India. She is also a Home School Mom who is passionate about prayer and setting the captives free!

Connect with Suzanne’s ministry through their joint ministry with her husband, Sammy on their website.

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kw: born again

meta: The Enemy will do his utmost to drag you away from the light of God; but by being born again, you can always return to Him.



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