Making Jesus Known (Ft. Evangelist Nick Hall)

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Being a Christian means embracing the joyful message of God, yet there are countless individuals who remain unaware and disconnected from the Gospel's transformative power. This includes people we encounter daily—our family, friends, colleagues, and the myriad of strangers we pass by. The question then arises: How can we effectively share our faith with them?

Nick Hall, Founder of Pulse Ministries, had a vision to communicate God's message to thousands nationwide. His journey began on a personal scale, sharing the Gospel with those in his immediate circle. Nick joins us to discuss the essence of evangelism and the importance of spreading one's faith. He also shares his personal testimony of loss and crisis and how he encountered God’s profound love and kindness through it all.

Sharing the Gospel can be challenging, but it's a journey worth embarking on. Dive into the world of evangelism and find inspiration to proclaim the good news by tuning into this episode of the Revelations Podcast.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Explore the essence of being an Evangelist and learn to fully embrace your faith in God.

  2. Learn how God uses the pain and hardship of our lives to bring the hope of Christ to others.

  3. Gain insights on effortlessly communicating the Gospel through Nick's practical advice and resources.

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Episode Highlights

[03:59] Defining “Evangelist”

  • Pulse Ministry was founded during Nick's college years, a time when he observed many peers drifting away from their faith and Christian practices.

  • From childhood, Nick was familiar with Jesus' teachings and felt a strong desire to share the message of Jesus with everyone.

  • An Evangelist, as defined in the Bible, is someone dedicated to spreading the good news and reaching out to those who are spiritually adrift.

  • The Holy Spirit empowers each person to bear witness and undertake the role of an Evangelist, calling us to share our faith and delve into God's Word.

  • Nick aspires to live attentively, always prepared to respond to God's call, and to rely on God through any challenges or discomforts.

[11:26] Surrendering to God

  • Committing to God's path is challenging; Nick often found himself led astray by personal desires rather than divine guidance.

  • Faith functions like our physical muscles, requiring regular exercise and nurturing for growth. Demonstrating faithfulness in small matters leads to greater responsibilities bestowed by God.

  • Initially, reaching out, showing love, and discussing your faith with others might feel awkward and tough. Begin by faithfully engaging with those in your immediate circle; as time progresses, sharing your faith will become a natural aspect of your life.

  • Living a life of faith involves stepping out of your comfort zone. True security and comfort stem from reliance on God, not from worldly assurances.

  • Not everyone will understand your spiritual journey. It's important to filter out criticism and advice from those who do not share your faith perspective.


[18:25] Nick: “The first place God wants to move is right where you’re planted. God starts with you and then it’s just you drawing those circles beyond yourself.”

[25:30] What Does Pulse Ministry Do?

  • Pulse Ministry specializes in evangelism, focusing on connecting with individuals in need of Jesus and identifying potential Evangelists.

  • Currently, they are spearheading a statewide initiative in North Dakota, aiming to disseminate the Gospel through various methods, including events and gatherings.

  • The purpose of their evangelistic campaign is to mobilize and unify believers to seek out and engage with those who have not yet found their faith.

  • Beyond outreach, Pulse Ministry is dedicated to discovering Evangelists and equipping individuals with the skills to effectively share their faith.

  • The ministry underscores the vital role of Evangelists within the Church and the broader community.


[28:57] Nick: “I think every person can reach somebody. We all have a story, we all have a testimony and there’s nothing more powerful than the story of a changed life. I don’t care how lame you think your story is. There’s no lame stories that involve God.”

[30:43] A Community That Shares the Good News

  • People need each other. It’s important to surround yourself with people who burn and fan the flames of your passion rather than putting it out.

  • Pulse Ministry has a free training called Make Jesus Known. They also regularly plan events to gather community and find more people to help rediscover their faith.

  • Nick wants to create a space he wishes was there for him in the past. This is a place where people can grow and tap into this passion together.

  • We’re not called to share our faith alone. You need people, peers, and mentors around you.

[36:40] Nick’s Biggest Miracle

  • Nick was raised with the belief that God's love had to be earned.

  • Over time, he discovered and personally experienced God's unconditional love and the depth of their relationship, which led to the healing of his wounds and pain—a transformation he considers God's greatest miracle.

  • The challenges and hardships he faced both in his personal life and ministry became integral to his journey, teaching him the importance of soul care and healing in partnership with God.

  • As a leader, Nick embraces vulnerability, recognizing his own need for healing. He highlights the often solitary and silent struggles many church leaders face.

[42:50] Overcoming Difficult Times

  • The end of 2017 to the death of his sister early in 2020 was full of loss and crisis for Nick. It was a time when Nick felt like he was being broken down.

  • Throughout these hardships, Nick encountered the profound kindness and love of God, learning that true success lies in faithfulness and obedience to God. He came to understand that suffering and hardship are essential for growth in godliness and humility.

  • Nick observes that leaders often shy away from showing vulnerability, yet it's the negative emotions, pain, and mistakes that are part of being human.

  • He found that people are often more connected to stories of struggle than to tales of victory, as these stories encourage openness and shared experiences.

  • Remember that you are not alone. God is right there and it will get better. You need people who will give you hope and encouragement.

[51:27] How to Share the Good News 

[52:59] Nick: “The goal of being and interacting with people isn’t that they feel preached at. The goal isn’t even that they hear every point of the Gospel. The goal is that they feel loved.”


  • Too often, sharing the good news can feel like a sales pitch. However, the ultimate goal is to make the other person feel loved.

  • The natural way to do this is to ask questions about their life. Check in on them and show that you see them and care about them. Then, you can offer to pray for them.

  • Share your own story, your painful experiences, and more. This can show that you understand how they may feel.

  • Inquire about their spiritual life and employ visual tools to describe what a relationship with God could look like for them.

  • Nick embraced the "GOSPEL" acronym as a straightforward method to discuss Jesus. Discover this acronym and how it can facilitate sharing your faith by tuning into the complete episode.

[01:02:37] The Opportunity to Share Your Faith

  • Nick earnestly prays for chances to share his faith, seeking divine guidance to recognize and seize moments to discuss God with others.

  • He acknowledges the risk of being perceived as irrational but believes the potential for God to touch another's life far outweighs any personal judgment. For him, the reward of someone coming to know God justifies the risk.

  • Sharing faith may not always feel instinctive, yet Nick emphasizes the importance of praying for courage and taking active steps to show compassion towards others.

  • Nick reminds us that even those who may seem bothersome are individuals God desires to save and transform into His children, highlighting the universal scope of God's love and salvation plan.

[01:07:45] Recognizing the Hope and Heaviness of 2023

  • The consensus is that 2023 was a challenging year, marked by significant issues that added a sense of heaviness for many.

  • Despite this, the light of hope and positivity has become more pronounced, with many seeking and yearning for this light as a source of salvation.

  • Acknowledging the hardships of the past year doesn't negate the extraordinary hope we find in God.

  • Nick aims to reassure and motivate everyone with the message that God is present and loves us unconditionally. Yet, embracing this love involves confession, seeking forgiveness, and turning towards God with open hearts.

About Nick

Nick is an Evangelist, the author of Reset, and the Founder and President of Pulse. As part of his mission and passion, he has preached the good news of the Gospel to millions of people worldwide. 

Connect with Nick on InstagramFacebook, or Twitter.

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