Freedom from Fear: Understanding the End Times (Ft. Jenny Mire)

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“The end is coming!” Throughout the years, this short but terrifying sentence has sent shivers down the spines of believers, conjuring images of apocalyptic destruction and trials foretold by ancient texts. But should the faithful tremble at the thought of the book of Revelation, or is there a deeper understanding to be had?

This is a question Jenny Mire was able to answer in her journey to understand the end times. In this episode of The Revelations Podcast, we take a deeper look into the Bible and human history. Jenny sheds light on Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy, and why she believes that Jesus reigns in the present. She explains the Olivet Discourse and the relevance of the Old and New Covenant so we can better understand the meaning behind the book of Revelation.

This episode will give you hope to continue Gods will in your life and peace to sustain you as walk with Jesus!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Gain insight into the different major perspectives of the end times and Jenny’s partial preterist, amillennialist view.

  2. Understand the Olivet Discourse and how Jesus’ proclamations are fulfilled throughout history.

  3. Be freed from fear with a better understanding of the end times and the new covenant with our Lord, Jesus.

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Episode Highlights

[03:28] Jenny Explains Eschatology

  • Eschatology is the study of the end times or the end of the world as we know it. The Greek word “escha” means last or farthest away.

  • There are many different views and words for this study. Specifically, Jenny views it as the “last days.”

  • Like many others, Reagan and Jenny have been exposed to the fear of the end times that Hollywood and society have perpetuated.

  • However, the book of Revelations isn’t about fear. It is about the revealing of Jesus Christ.


[06:55] Jenny: “Revelation is ‘the revealing of’… It means the revealing of Jesus Christ. It is about Jesus. When you look at Revelations with those lenses of ‘Where are we seeing him revealed?’ your view starts to change.”


  • It reveals the New Covenant and what that means for us, believers.

[07:23] The Major Views of the End Times

  • The dispensational view looks at Revelations at different times. From the growth of the Church to the 7-year peace agreement of the Antichrist and Jesus’ return to reign and end all evil. The Church is raptured before, in the middle, or after the 7-year tribulation

  • Amillennialism believes that Jesus reigns right now. There will be no rapture and the Church waits for Jesus’ second coming and then eternity.

  • A preterist view believes the Revelations were fulfilled in the first century. A partial preterist believes that it has mostly been fulfilled and only awaits the return of Jesus.

  • Other views include historical, post-millennialism, futurism, and idealism. Listen to the full episode to gain a better understanding of the different views of the end times with Jenny.

  • Jenny is a partial preterist with an amillennialist viewpoint. She believes that Jesus is reigning in the present. Once He comes back, he will bring eternity.

[13:09] The Journey Into Studying the book of Revelation

  • In 2020, Jenny started questioning what other people told her about the end times. She started reading Revelations and felt uneasy about how some things didn’t make sense.

  • She discovered that the 7-year tribulation theology came from Daniel's 70 Weeks prophecy. Jenny started reading the Book of Daniel and listened to different views

  • Jenny started studying the Hebrew writings in Daniel. It's through this that she better understands the 70 Weeks prophecy and how it actually refers to Jesus and His ministry.

  • The next step in her journey was understanding what Matthew 24 says when talking about the end times and the great tribulation.

  • In the past year, she studied Revelations and listened to different views and perspectives. With prayer, Jenny felt the Holy Spirit confirm her beliefs not with fear but with peace.

[17:02] A Deeper Look Into Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theology and History

  • Dispensationalism was made popular in the 1800s by John Nelson Darby. His work has then been taught in seminaries.

  • Josephus was a first-century Jewish historian. He documented the history of the Jewish-Roman War. His works are crucial in understanding the views of the end times.

  • In Matthew 23, Jesus proclaimed destruction and judgment on that generation before He died in 30 AD. In 66 AD, Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem before pulling out and allowing Christians who heeded Jesus’ warnings to flee the city.

  • The Roma-Jewish War lasted for 3 and a half years as written in the books of Revelations and Daniel. It ended in 70 AD after a final siege lasting 5 months.

  • A better understanding of these dates gave Jenny a deeper look. Learn more about these historical dates and Bible writings in Jenny’s full explanation in this episode.

[27:02] The Book of Revelations

  • Many believe that John wrote Revelations between 90 and 95 AD. However, based on his age and writing, it makes sense to have been written around 60 AD

  • Revelations is the last book in the Bible as it describes the destruction of the temple and how it embodies the Mosaic Covenant.

  • Jenny asks important questions to better understand Revelations in her journey. This brings her to the realization that the Old Covenant is done and the New Covenant has everything we need.

[31:30] Explaining the Olivet Discourse

  • The Olivet Discourse is found in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. Before this, Jesus calls out the Pharisees and scribes as hypocrites in Matthew 23.

  • Jesus and His disciples talk about His proclamation of judgment on the Pharisees, the destruction of the temple, and when it will occur. The disciples ask Jesus about the signs of coming and the end of the age, referring to the Old Covenant Age.

  • In Matthew, Jesus refers to the “Abomination of Desolation” mentioned by Daniel about the first-century destruction. Luke 21 tells the same story of this discourse where he writes about this desolation as Jerusalem surrounded by armies.

  • These chapters and verses can be seen in the Roman-Jewish war between 66 AD and 70 AD.

  • Jesus’ proclamation was fulfilled. Romans conquered, took people captive, and left others dead. Not one stone was left in the temple when it was destroyed in the war.

[42:38] The End of the Old Covenant

  • The 70 weeks of Daniel was during Jesus’ 3-and-a-half-year ministry. He was crucified midway through the 70th week.


[43:19] Jenny: “When Jesus came when he resurrected and ascended into heaven, He began reigning at that point. The new covenant was in effect for those who accepted it.”


  • After Jesus' resurrection and ascension, the New Covenant and His reign began.

  • This overlapped with the Old Covenant as it became obsolete and slowly vanished. The fall of the temple was the end of the Old Covenant.

[46:14] Following the Way of the New Covenant

  • Recently, there has been talk about rebuilding the temple. However, Jenny believes that this is a distraction of the enemy from our task to grow and become many.


[46:34] Jenny: “You and I are the temple and the Holy Spirit. God dwells in us and where He dwells is His glory. So when it says the glory will fill the whole Earth, that is us, believers.”


  • People are so focused on what can happen in the future that it distracts us from what we should be doing. Many are scared and choose not to live their lives due to this fear.

  • We get stuck in fear. However, it’s important to ask about if this is from the Lord. The Lord is perfect love and not based on fear.

  • John, as a prophet of the first century, wrote Revelations referring to the first destruction of the temple like the prophets of the Old Testament.

  • Jenny believes we are at the end of the book, experiencing Jesus’ reign and waiting for His return. We are made spiritually new in Christ but yearn for physical restoration.

[56:16] Freedom From Fear By Understanding the End Times

  • What Jenny has learned about the end times has helped her in understanding the New Covenant.

  • She is now on a new journey to find out what it means to be a new creation and know our true identity.

  • Once we stop fearing and looking for the Antichrist and more, we can focus on Jesus and the New Covenant. There is freedom from fear to be able to live and move forward.


About Jenny

Jenny Mire is the founder of The Rooted Truth and Think Fit. She is a child of God who is dedicated to her mission to teach and empower women through God’s Word. Jenny is also an author, speaker, and the host of The Rooted Truth Podcast.

Connect with Jenny on her website and Instagram.

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